How long will these 10 minutes take?

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The fact Luffy is more focused on beating Saturn than Kizaru should tell them but nope

"Kizaru still has awakening, I believe so...I don't care
He's still not unconscious "
Luffy 100% going to focus on the elders , the question is how many of them stay to fight him .
Cause saturn seem to be doing okay job for rest of them to go off and destroy shit .


World's Strongest Swordsman
It's a strange power that Saturn has there, we'll have to wait for more chapters to find out more about it, however Saturn was being dismembered, pierced and gushing blood before so his body could be damaged, the issue is his regeneration.

However, I confess that Saturn's performance is better than Kizaru's in this chapter, although Luffy surpasses them both.
Luffy can't even hurt Saturn.


World's Strongest Swordsman
And in the actual reality Luffy is grabbing his head like a basketball, dodging his attacks easily and throwing him like a frisbee


and even more in reality Zoro is being called a burden by Lucci because he knows Luffy needs a stronger right hand and that Zoro is a burden to his captain
Yet in reality luffy is moaning he can't do shit to Saturn.


The only one who can beat me is me
He still got embarrassed
Saved by plot amour to not drown

Imagine being happy an admiral looked bad against a Yonko in 2vq
I was never concerned with Kizaru getting hit, the thing that made him really look bad was the fact that he tried everything and Luffy dodged all of his attacks. Kizaru is known for speed so that would be a bad look especially with a numbers advantage. In reality all it was Kizaru shooting a laser Luffy dodging and then taking advantage of when he grabbed Kizaru when he wasn't looking.

There was no fighting, it was a direct continuation of the last page where he got grabbed when he wasn't looking, can hardly call this a 2v1.

And true he didn't land in the sea, but the same happened with Lucci pre timeskip and he got back up to give one hell of a fight and beat the shit out of Luffy back in W7. So it might be a solid indication he's not done. I can't be too mad at that given what put Kizaru in this predicament in the first place was ignoring Luffy, not like he was engaged with him when he got grabbed.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Well, the hype for Alice was short-lived. Maybe she looks cool.


But atleast there is the mention of two other people reacting in unknown locations.
Oda can still surprise us, please, not just ordinary citizens. The RAWs will tell.

Alice is pictured here within the Decks of the New World Cover Series. Kind of looks like a mini-Tashigi IMO. After his last secretary tried to kill him Iceberg went with a gradeschooler just to be safe LOL.

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