How long will these 10 minutes take?

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Oda made it clear that Kizaru was not mentally nerfed or whatsoever by making him have the last move on Vegapunk and then he got him pancaked into paralysis in a random battleship by the God in a 1v2 with the unaffected Gorosei

What a monster, it's as if his mission was to destroy the admiral agenda
Lizaru had Usopp in his literal bare hands and still failed to KO the weakest SH. Even trying to scrape the bottom rock Ws is an uphill battle for Lizaru.
My hope for Dragon coming to Egghead is finished, what a wasted opportunity :ohreally:
He's too busy staring east and being a fraud to do anything. LOda's Kuma flashback already ruined the character beyond redemption, especially when Fisher Tiger and his crew (and even Fujitora) raided Mariejois and freed more slaves than those frauds ever did. :fujilaugh:
You can bring in 10 more Luffys, never mind Zoro or Sanji, and it would mean nothing against the Gorosei. Its the same as with the Seraphim.
Unless Luffy or someone else can figure out HOW to damage them it doesn't matter if Usopp or Kaido is coming as back up.
Naaaaaaah, Sanji wasn't able to do a thing against Saturn
@Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier
There is no point in coping, Kizaru is the one that finished off Vegapunk, Saturn himself even says that Kizaru killed him.

Seriously just put your bias aside for once and accept the fact that Kizaru killed Vegapunk, like I said before I'll give Saturn some credit for injuring Vegapunk but at the end of the day he isn't the one that killed him.

If it was the opposite and Kizaru injured Vegapunk and Saturn finished him off then yeah Saturn is the one that killed him.
Wtf are you talking about? Read the fucking summary you idiot, it even says Kizaru killed Vegapunk.

Yeah I'll give Saturn some credit, but at the end it was Kizaru that finished off Vegapunk.
I know that Kizaru killed Vegapunk, that doesn't mean Saturn getting the first hit is somehow irrelevant. Bitch telling me to read when you have the reading comprehension of a potato :milaugh:
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