Can Kouen be superior to Gakuki ?

Gakuki vs Kouen?

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Source? I have never even seen his name mentioned historically lol
Is that supposed to mean anything? You're an ignoramus of history as you have repeateadly proven.
And no actually, I’m pretty consistent on how I view history vs the manga actually, if you weren’t such a senselessly triggered twat you might realize that.
"Oh no, someone called me out on my BS and I can't disprove him since I make shit up and have no evidence to back me up... I know, I'll say he's triggered!"

Can you get any more pathetic? :suresure:

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Is that supposed to mean anything? You're an ignoramus of history as you have repeateadly proven.

"Oh no, someone called me out on my BS and I can't disprove him since I make shit up and have no evidence to back me up... I know, I'll say he's triggered!"

Can you get any more pathetic? :suresure:
Yeah cry even harder like the bitch that you are. Couldn’t find any evidence of me being inconsistent on my stance on history vs the manga so you just gave up lmfao. Cry even harder. I went and read up on Yue Yi and yeah like I said, I couldn’t find a single piece of evidence historians view him in the same regard as the top 4 lol. And even if historians do view Yue Yi that way, manga Gakuki is a different animal altogether which is exactly what I’ve said about every manga vs history comparison, ever lol.

If fame is what you want, Mouten is more famous than all of these other guys combined since he completed the fucking Great Wall which is even taught in grade school in the west,
And Kou En crushed Mouten at the near height of his strength as a commander.

History is not the manga, and in this manga Gakuki’s near equal and protege got utterly mugged by Riboku and Houken. Gekishin would optimistically get high diffed by Ouki in war, and this is the guy who could replicate Gakuki’s own warfare to perfection. I don’t even want to imagine what Kou En’s inferiors Kanmei and Karin would do to Gekishin, that’s just pure cruelty lol.

So yeah, take your pseudo historical crying to a history forum, I don’t give a fuck.
I was lied to then...


Shouheikun isn't intellectually equal to Riboku but still, he's clearly top 5 in the land at least. Given the theme of new eras bringing superior military individuals and his parallels with Koshou, I'd wager that he's better than him. And the hype of Koshou in the manga is absolutely humongous.

Riboku usually getting the better of him in their numerous confrontations really just speaks on how insane Riboku is, lol.

Shouheikun would be an extremely problematic opponent for any top dog of the previous generation, even Hakuki himself. It's highly questionable whether he would even lose.
Yeah cry even harder like the bitch that you are. Couldn’t find any evidence of me being inconsistent on my stance on history vs the manga so you just gave up lmfao. Cry even harder. I went and read up on Yue Yi and yeah like I said, I couldn’t find a single piece of evidence historians view him in the same regard as the top 4 lol. And even if historians do view Yue Yi that way, manga Gakuki is a different animal altogether which is exactly what I’ve said about every manga vs history comparison, ever lol.

If fame is what you want, Mouten is more famous than all of these other guys combined since he completed the fucking Great Wall which is even taught in grade school in the west,
And Kou En crushed Mouten at the near height of his strength as a commander.

History is not the manga, and in this manga Gakuki’s near equal and protege got utterly mugged by Riboku and Houken. Gekishin would optimistically get high diffed by Ouki in war, and this is the guy who could replicate Gakuki’s own warfare to perfection. I don’t even want to imagine what Kou En’s inferiors Kanmei and Karin would do to Gekishin, that’s just pure cruelty lol.

So yeah, take your pseudo historical crying to a history forum, I don’t give a fuck.
Your rants after your incorrect historical statements got destroyed again by historical evidence are hilarious. If you don't know sh*t about history maybe keep your mouth shut instead of looking like the retard you are. You never heard about Yue Yi because you don't know shit about chinese military history, which is fine in itself, but if you don't know something then don't fucking act like a know it all, huh?

Meng Tian near the height of his strength as a commander in Chu? Lmao, keep that :pepecopium: flowing buddy. So building walls makes one a great commander? :josad: Tell me more.
I think Hara is doing the Top 4 of that time justice with feats and portrayal with RBK being portrayed as the best of them. Gakuki has crazy portrayal but he faces the same problem as Ryuma does in OP.

The rest honestly depends on what Hara wants to do. SBS is almost a nobody historically from what I'm aware and he might very well be Top 3 currently.

Kouen crushed Shin and Mouten, a Shin that in verse will be a Qin 6, if Hara wants he can make that feat out to be the greatest in the entire series and use that as justification that in-verse Kouen > Riboku. Or he can make it a team effort where Kouen gets help from SHK and Karin.

I would put money on Kouen being at least Great General of the heavens level.
Bruh Kouen has to be a top 5 alive generals during Chu war
He will hand the protagonist an L
2. He needs to be a challenge for a very strong Qin to make the story interesting
Context matter
Shin and Mouten only had 200k against the full might of Chu superstate. Kouen and Shouheikun launched a surprise attack on them from two sides. Shouheikun's betreyal and Shin having less troops will definitely play a role.
That doesn't mean much. Historically Shin isn't even greater than Mouten let alone be anywhere near or even surpass Li Mu
The fact that Hara will make Shin the ultimate general of the heavens in the manga and given that Kouen will be the one to crush him at one point (with Mouten too) bodes well with expecting humongous things from Chu's tiger.

And to this day, manga Kouen is still the longest continuously hyped character in the manga. The first time he got referenced was almost 500 chapters ago. And who knows for how much longer this will go on.

His strenght might be utterly shocking. Lol.

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
if you don't know something then don't fucking act like a know it all,
Where have I acted like this??? Lmfao I’ve said numerous times I don’t have much access to historical sources in the west. I’d much prefer to debate the actual manga which is why I rank Kou En as highly as I do (top 4ish of all time). I haven’t acted like a know it all even once with regards to history because at the end of the day I really don’t care much about actual history, if I did I would probably not be here discussing a fictional manga.

Furthermore, you haven’t contradicted a single thing I’ve said about history. Not once. At least, not with any sources anyway. Lol

So unless you’re going to tell me the actual events regarding Kou En I’ve referenced aren’t true (they are), then stop replying to me lol. Manga Gakuki can’t even sniff what Manga Kou En is going to pull off in the future.
The fact that Hara will make Shin the ultimate general of the heavens in the manga and given that Kouen will be the one to crush him at one point (with Mouten too) bodes well with expecting humongous things from Chu's tiger.

And to this day, manga Kouen is still the longest continuously hyped character in the manga. The first time he got referenced was almost 500 chapters ago. And who knows for how much longer this will go on.

His strenght might be utterly shocking. Lol.
Our Protagonist is literally the main argument why we shouldn't treat history = Manga. This dude is not even in the same realm to the top 4 historically but he will surpass them all in the Manga.

That said this is just another story. Shin will probably kill Renpa in Chu and prove himself superior to Ouki, that's how far in the story Kouen will be a main antagonist. This guy can't just be Qin 6 level when Karin is already at that level and clearly Kouen's inferior.
Furthermore, you haven’t contradicted a single thing I’ve said about history. Not once. At least, not with any sources anyway. Lol

Nowhere in history is Gakuki referenced as a top 3 or even top 5 commander of all time, yet here we are giving him that honor anyway because the manga portrays him the way it does. Manga =/= history.
I just proved that statement wrong with historical evidence in this very thread. Not to mention other incorrect statements in other threads about how Meng Wu did everything in Chu while Wang Jian didn't do anything despite him being the commander in chief and much more highly regarded historically.

If you don't care about history then stop pulling things out of your ass and trying to pass them off as historical. Or don't, and just keep bitching while I keep proving you wrong.

Our Protagonist is literally the main argument why we shouldn't treat history = Manga. This dude is not even in the same realm to the top 4 historically but he will surpass them all in the Manga.
You're correct that we shouldn't trat manga as history since Hara has already deviated in many things and will surely continue to do so. But, conversely, historical statements shouldn't be used as evidence for a character's strength, specially when those statements many times aren't even historical in the first place.

We can look at the recent example of Kanki, he was a nobody historically but Hara showed him a lot of respect in the way he went down, coming within inches of killing Riboku himself. So, pretending Kouen is going to destroy Shin and Mouten 2vs1 without any help is just unrealistic. Shin is going to get a lot of respect in his defeat, just like Ouki, Renpa or Kanki did in theirs.
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I feel like people will be disappointed in Kouen, just like what happened to Jiaga.

Gakuki is invincible because he only lives in the memories of a few people and is briefly described by Hara as a legend in the 6-state alliance arc.

Kouen is a living person so in the end he will be defeated, becoming the ladder to lift Ousen.
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You're correct that we shouldn't trat manga as history since Hara has already deviated in many things and will surely continue to do so. But, conversely, historical statements shouldn't be used as evidence for a character's strength, specially when those statements many times aren't even historical in the first place.

We can look at the recent example of Kanki, he was a nobody historically but Hara showed him a lot of respect in the way he went down, coming within inches of killing Riboku himself. So, pretending Kouen is going to destroy Shin and Mouten 2vs1 without any help is just unrealistic. Shin is going to get a lot of respect in his defeat, just like Ouki, Renpa or Kanki did in theirs.
I don't disagree necessarily. The less details history gives Hara the more freedom he has to do what he wants with specific characters. Take SBS as an example. He just really dissappears from historical records which is why the theory that he joins Ousen and becomes an antagonist later on is so popular, not mentioning how much hype Hara gives a man that has next to no historical achievements.

As for Shin's defeat, I believe this defeat won't be the same like the one Kanki or Ouki suffered. Kanki and Ouki died, it was the end to their great careers and Hara honors that with an epic defeat but Shin will likely be overconfident, full of himself due to his accomplishments.

I think history records make it seem like it. Wang Jian asks for 600K as the experienced veteran but Li Xin is overconfident and almost cocky thinking 200K is enough to take down a superstate.

This defeat should serve as a test of Shin's will and character, that he bounces back from a crushing defeat to achieve his goals.