Now that I had what I was looking for, I can now return to this thread:
You see, @Uncle Van , @AL sama and some other mods keep reappearing here to "mock" my argumentation over and over again and those nice fellow don't understand why in return, I'm calling them "liberals", "confusionnist", "apolitics" or "centrist". Well, here is why.
Because in reality, the depolitization of public debates is THE weapon used by liberals and capitalist in power in our modern age. This is the tool that used as a way to maintain the illusion of order and their way of keeping the power. Because, why would we need to politicize subject that seem in surface not related ? How can you maintain power when you actually believe in contradictory values ? Well.. you can't, so for that, you need to confuse the debate and stop people for thinking about what you believe in.
Let me quote you what I said on the thread about the political leaning of this forum:
What I didn't realized at the time is the political compass of the staff.
- Why are some mods considering that a forum for Mangas shouldn't get a political thread ?
- Why are some mods considering that saying that Minks are just dumb animals is completely normal ?
- Why are some mods considering that trashing Carrot a feminine girl and praising another girl Yamato because of her having masculine attribute (while trashing her actual personnality) is not revealing of any sexist behavior ?
- Why are some mods considering that some form of transphobia are not acceptable but others are ?
- Why are some mods tickled by the action of someone politically labelling others ?
- Why are some mods considering that trashing repetitively on a poster can't be considered toxic and in some cases harrassment ?
- Why are some mods considering normal that posters insults each others here ?
- Why are some mods considering we shouldn't act on the spread of negativity on a forum ?
- Why are some mods considering that calling out the toxicity of other is synonymous of being ourselve toxic ?
Added to that : the structures of power will always used their power/lies/gaslight/ to undermine the questionning of their structure. All the more in moments where the opposition has absolutely no way to contradict its words:
Remember what I said a few month ago: This forum is not just the place where a bunch of nerds reunites:
- The Staff/power is showing a face of apolitism but is really depicting liberals, anti leftist and centrist ideas (you can see that on this thread in majority)
- Toxicity is enabled in a number of discussion and the power only acts in the most radical cases (for example when there is clear case of harrasment and dogpilling, there is no reaction from the staff, and I'm not talking only about my case here)
- The majority of posters, just like in society are rejecting the politization of the story they are praising and are mostly leaning toward apolitism and liberalism. (a bit of progressism.. but not too much... Once someone question racist bias in a discussion, this is too much)
- There is a overwhelming presence of bigoted and conservative ideas and people in the places where politics are discussed and they bare an overwhelming stricking power.
- The radical, simple leftist ideas are invisibilized and laughed at. They are an extreme minority.
- The oppressions are only fought in surface and there is no systemic resolutions taken to stop any kind of bigotry
The point is simple : This forum is just a mini-representation of our society.
So.. what do we do when we want to better society ?
And the problem is not really van or Al, they are just the product of our politically confused society where nerd should not get to talk to much about politics in place were its not obvious.. They are the product of the win of "liberal centrism" the rise of conservatism and the depolitization of the masses..
But hey, this shouldn't stop us from questionning our environments.
Anyway.. note here the absence of warning shots. This time the staff/power knew that no matter how they acted, the debate would continue. So, the tool of the threadban was used. And it will continue as I will bring on and on politization of the subject and others.
So there are basically three way this could end:
- Either I stop talking about the political subjects because I'm tired of talking about it (lol, good luck with that)
- Either I'm banned definitely for keeping bringing up political subjects because those confused folks are tired of continuously banning me (and I will be ban again and again until they are tired of it)
- Either the staff understands that the rules about politics of the forum helps the invisibilization of strong important subjects and enable the development of toxic behaviors and they understands that politics have a place in EVERY debate as long as it is linked to the subject (like it was the case here) as politics are just the reflection on the conflict of values.
So.. @TheAncientCenturion , what is your prefered choice ?
Are you ready to endorse the definitive ban (or continuous ban) of someone on the principles that they are questionning the structure and political compass of your forum ?
Make a stance or ignore me mate. What do you believe in ?
You see, @Uncle Van , @AL sama and some other mods keep reappearing here to "mock" my argumentation over and over again and those nice fellow don't understand why in return, I'm calling them "liberals", "confusionnist", "apolitics" or "centrist". Well, here is why.
Because in reality, the depolitization of public debates is THE weapon used by liberals and capitalist in power in our modern age. This is the tool that used as a way to maintain the illusion of order and their way of keeping the power. Because, why would we need to politicize subject that seem in surface not related ? How can you maintain power when you actually believe in contradictory values ? Well.. you can't, so for that, you need to confuse the debate and stop people for thinking about what you believe in.
Let me quote you what I said on the thread about the political leaning of this forum:
What I didn't realized at the time is the political compass of the staff.
- Why are some mods considering that a forum for Mangas shouldn't get a political thread ?
- Why are some mods considering that saying that Minks are just dumb animals is completely normal ?
- Why are some mods considering that trashing Carrot a feminine girl and praising another girl Yamato because of her having masculine attribute (while trashing her actual personnality) is not revealing of any sexist behavior ?
- Why are some mods considering that some form of transphobia are not acceptable but others are ?
- Why are some mods tickled by the action of someone politically labelling others ?
- Why are some mods considering that trashing repetitively on a poster can't be considered toxic and in some cases harrassment ?
- Why are some mods considering normal that posters insults each others here ?
- Why are some mods considering we shouldn't act on the spread of negativity on a forum ?
- Why are some mods considering that calling out the toxicity of other is synonymous of being ourselve toxic ?
Added to that : the structures of power will always used their power/lies/gaslight/ to undermine the questionning of their structure. All the more in moments where the opposition has absolutely no way to contradict its words:
Remember what I said a few month ago: This forum is not just the place where a bunch of nerds reunites:
- The Staff/power is showing a face of apolitism but is really depicting liberals, anti leftist and centrist ideas (you can see that on this thread in majority)
- Toxicity is enabled in a number of discussion and the power only acts in the most radical cases (for example when there is clear case of harrasment and dogpilling, there is no reaction from the staff, and I'm not talking only about my case here)
- The majority of posters, just like in society are rejecting the politization of the story they are praising and are mostly leaning toward apolitism and liberalism. (a bit of progressism.. but not too much... Once someone question racist bias in a discussion, this is too much)
- There is a overwhelming presence of bigoted and conservative ideas and people in the places where politics are discussed and they bare an overwhelming stricking power.
- The radical, simple leftist ideas are invisibilized and laughed at. They are an extreme minority.
- The oppressions are only fought in surface and there is no systemic resolutions taken to stop any kind of bigotry
The point is simple : This forum is just a mini-representation of our society.
So.. what do we do when we want to better society ?
And the problem is not really van or Al, they are just the product of our politically confused society where nerd should not get to talk to much about politics in place were its not obvious.. They are the product of the win of "liberal centrism" the rise of conservatism and the depolitization of the masses..
But hey, this shouldn't stop us from questionning our environments.
Anyway.. note here the absence of warning shots. This time the staff/power knew that no matter how they acted, the debate would continue. So, the tool of the threadban was used. And it will continue as I will bring on and on politization of the subject and others.
So there are basically three way this could end:
- Either I stop talking about the political subjects because I'm tired of talking about it (lol, good luck with that)
- Either I'm banned definitely for keeping bringing up political subjects because those confused folks are tired of continuously banning me (and I will be ban again and again until they are tired of it)
- Either the staff understands that the rules about politics of the forum helps the invisibilization of strong important subjects and enable the development of toxic behaviors and they understands that politics have a place in EVERY debate as long as it is linked to the subject (like it was the case here) as politics are just the reflection on the conflict of values.
So.. @TheAncientCenturion , what is your prefered choice ?
Are you ready to endorse the definitive ban (or continuous ban) of someone on the principles that they are questionning the structure and political compass of your forum ?
Make a stance or ignore me mate. What do you believe in ?
Sometimes you take this place too serious .