As a matter of fact I put Earl Shi above Bananji then you started saying for real that Kaishibou ~ Renpa lmao
You put Earl Shi > Bananji? Where? You were the guy who birthed Bananji > Earl Shi in the first place.
Also, if you pay attention, you’ll notice that I never actually ranked Kaishibou = with Renpa, ever lol
In my most recent martial tier list I put Renpa in the tier with the goats with Kaishibou a tier below him
And I’ve had Renpa this way since I read the manga, lol
The point of me comparing Renpa to Kaishibou and Bananji was as a counter to all those who said Renpa was top 2 and would overwhelmingly dominate every other character in the manga bar Ouki. If Renpa was that strong, Hara would not compare him to these guys repeatedly
But I have literally always ranked Renpa above these guys martially, and I have ranked him above Earl Shi too who I would put above Tou but beneath Oukotsu