I always believed PPL is a terrible setup for a natty, there’s simply not enough time to recover provided you play with the right intensity. This is probably one of the reasons you were always exhausted
My man, 4-5 sets already sounds preposterous to me, and you do even more?? 😂
I did a shit ton of junk volume in the past too ngl lol
Have you read into high intensity training? Personally I saw the best results doing it
It saves you a lot of time and gives you more gains, sounds like a magic pill (it is)
1-2 warm up sets depending on the exercise, 1 max effort max intensity set with slow negatives (6-10 reps)
Progressively overload every week with either more weight of more reps
4 days a week ideally, 1 hour in the gym maximum
You get plenty rest, and your strength increases dramatically