I'm pissing myself laughing, that's what happens when you overanalyze every fucking speck of dust and want to look for absurd explanations for every little vignette or scratch on the characters' faces, fucking animal.
Assuming the bird is actually inside the barrier, he's going to do what, destroy the lab?
Zoro sending slashes at him would be a non feat, these dude are made of wet toilet paper.
He needs someone to clash and exchange attacks not a giant 🎯
Is it me or Oda trolling the fuck outta us lmao , because in the previous year 2023 during the same 2nd week of March Shanks one shotted Kidd ( YC 1 ) , Now it's Zoro .
He hasn't been the same after S-Hawk shat on BB, he spammed so many times that Zoro was sent flying, that the killing machines made to...kill are holding back against Zoro only for Toei to shit down his throat.
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