Not even the visual criteria show such a thing and I warn you to be careful what you say.
We have seen Zoro and Lucci's fight 5 times and only one of them saw named attacks, being the cat's ending. You can't expect people to believe that when we didn't see them they did something completely different.
Oda has made things clear to you:
- There is no bandana
-Zoro says that he controls the battle, he can end it whenever he wants and that's how it happened.
- Only one named attack which is not from KoH. Not even Iai.
- Not to mention Sanji's words that seemed like a slap in the face to the fandom that is not able to interpret the situation correctly.
If Oda had wanted to show something else, she would have done it. Since you talk so much about bias, I'm just sticking to the manga. While you and others pretend that we believe completely opposite things without providing a single piece of evidence.
So once again, show me a KoH named attack, in fact, a normal and ordinary named attack. If you do not provide evidence and do not recant, it is clear who is biased.
We have seen Zoro and Lucci's fight 5 times and only one of them saw named attacks, being the cat's ending. You can't expect people to believe that when we didn't see them they did something completely different.
Oda has made things clear to you:
- There is no bandana
-Zoro says that he controls the battle, he can end it whenever he wants and that's how it happened.
- Only one named attack which is not from KoH. Not even Iai.
- Not to mention Sanji's words that seemed like a slap in the face to the fandom that is not able to interpret the situation correctly.
If Oda had wanted to show something else, she would have done it. Since you talk so much about bias, I'm just sticking to the manga. While you and others pretend that we believe completely opposite things without providing a single piece of evidence.
So once again, show me a KoH named attack, in fact, a normal and ordinary named attack. If you do not provide evidence and do not recant, it is clear who is biased.