Break Week You better hope Zoro defeats Lucci in ch1111

Not even the visual criteria show such a thing and I warn you to be careful what you say.

We have seen Zoro and Lucci's fight 5 times and only one of them saw named attacks, being the cat's ending. You can't expect people to believe that when we didn't see them they did something completely different.

Oda has made things clear to you:

- There is no bandana
-Zoro says that he controls the battle, he can end it whenever he wants and that's how it happened.
- Only one named attack which is not from KoH. Not even Iai.
- Not to mention Sanji's words that seemed like a slap in the face to the fandom that is not able to interpret the situation correctly.

If Oda had wanted to show something else, she would have done it. Since you talk so much about bias, I'm just sticking to the manga. While you and others pretend that we believe completely opposite things without providing a single piece of evidence.

So once again, show me a KoH named attack, in fact, a normal and ordinary named attack. If you do not provide evidence and do not recant, it is clear who is biased.
Zoro used KoH early in the fight, it's a fact.. Don't try to twist things..
Zoro used KoH early in the fight, it's a fact.. Don't try to twist things..
Prove it. Give me the panel where I use any of the King of Hell's attacks. What's more, a panel where you can use any attack with any name.

The only one who is twisting things is you, even without any evidence, you continue defending your position and even worse, criticizing the position of others who do have conclusive evidence. And I speak of tests in the plural.

It's easy, either you show clear and concise evidence or you back off. Obviously we know that you are not going to do one or the other. That's why you're partial.
Prove it. Give me the panel where I use any of the King of Hell's attacks. What's more, a panel where you can use any attack with any name.

The only one who is twisting things is you, even without any evidence, you continue defending your position and even worse, criticizing the position of others who do have conclusive evidence. And I speak of tests in the plural.

It's easy, either you show clear and concise evidence or you back off. Obviously we know that you are not going to do one or the other. That's why you're partial.
The Green smoke and Black Lightning on Zoro's swords is KoH.. The Green Smoke alone, The black Lightning alone, or both all of those combination are KoH.. Someone unbiased can't claim the contrary..
The Green smoke and Black Lightning on Zoro's swords is KoH.. The Green Smoke alone, The black Lightning alone, or both all of those combination are KoH.. Someone unbiased can't claim the contrary..
Oh really?

We saw the green smoke for the first time in chapter 955 and then several times before the name King of Hell was coined.

And once again, I can give you 4-5 panels of the manga where Zoro doesn't use any serious attacks. There is no bandana, which indicates that Zoro is getting serious and Zoro himself tells you that he is not serious. Show me your panels with serious attacks. It's ridiculous to think that when we didn't see the combat, different things happened than what Oda shows. What is the end?

Here the only one who speaks without evidence is you and if you don't put it up and prove me wrong. As long as you don't take the tests, you will be the partial one.

Sanji's words represent people like you who are not able to grasp the message even with all the magic that Oda left.
Oh really?

We saw the green smoke for the first time in chapter 955 and then several times before the name King of Hell was coined.

And once again, I can give you 4-5 panels of the manga where Zoro doesn't use any serious attacks. There is no bandana, which indicates that Zoro is getting serious and Zoro himself tells you that he is not serious. Show me your panels with serious attacks. It's ridiculous to think that when we didn't see the combat, different things happened than what Oda shows. What is the end?

Here the only one who speaks without evidence is you and if you don't put it up and prove me wrong. As long as you don't take the tests, you will be the partial one.

Sanji's words represent people like you who are not able to grasp the message even with all the magic that Oda left.
Chapter 955 the smoke was purple, it was unstable by then, when Zoro mastered it split into Green Smoke and Black Lightning equally..

You only need base CoC to use KoH, Zoro doesn't need to be serious or go all out to use CoC and activate KoH..

You're all over the place.. Green Smoke is KoH, it's a key feature when Zoro uses KoH with Black Lightning..
Chapter 955 the smoke was purple, it was unstable by then, when Zoro mastered it split into Green Smoke and Black Lightning equally..

You only need base CoC to use KoH, Zoro doesn't need to be serious or go all out to use CoC and activate KoH..

You're all over the place.. Green Smoke is KoH, it's a key feature when Zoro uses KoH with Black Lightning..
It's a shame that the manga has no color and that the smoke is the same both times. And before you give me that adaptation, Oda didn't do that and we already saw many errors, among them the smoke which I guess they decided to make purple because it is Enma's color.

Additionally, before using the KoH against King, that same smoke is also seen.

You continue to contribute your ideas and things outside of canon, but nothing from the manga. I'll give you the manga. I would also accept SBS and covers/color spread.

I insist once again, tell me which Kng of Hell attack I use against Lucci. I've been asking you for several messages and you still haven't done it. Why would it be?
It's a shame that the manga has no color and that the smoke is the same both times. And before you give me that adaptation, Oda didn't do that and we already saw many errors, among them the smoke which I guess they decided to make purple because it is Enma's color.

Additionally, before using the KoH against King, that same smoke is also seen.

You continue to contribute your ideas and things outside of canon, but nothing from the manga. I'll give you the manga. I would also accept SBS and covers/color spread.

I insist once again, tell me which Kng of Hell attack I use against Lucci. I've been asking you for several messages and you still haven't done it. Why would it be?
So you're pulling a Herrera with the official colored not valid?.. Lame..
I got nothing else to say, Zoro used KoH against Lucci, you know the panels i'm referring to..
So you're pulling a Herrera with the official colored not valid?.. Lame..
I got nothing else to say, Zoro used KoH against Lucci, you know the panels i'm referring to..
The issue of colors is a minor and inconsequential matter. It's not that it's a mistake, it's that Oda doesn't do it.

It is very simple to solve this. Tell me the King of Hell attack that Zoro used. Oda did that. Or if he doesn't admit your mistake, both things can't be.
The issue of colors is a minor and inconsequential matter. It's not that it's a mistake, it's that Oda doesn't do it.

It is very simple to solve this. Tell me the King of Hell attack that Zoro used. Oda did that. Or if he doesn't admit your mistake, both things can't be.
I already told you, you don't need a KoH named attack for Zoro to use KoH, it's a bogus argument..


World's Strongest Swordsman
No point trying to tell Zoro fans the truth. They'll just deny it. The visual cues are obvious to everyone.

Imagine being so dumb
Do they even look the same to your dumbass eyes
All 3 swords in the bottom panel have long black lightning on ALL swords

How is that the same as a tiny coa spark on enma when it's coated in haki and no lightning on the other swords

That's not acoc either
Imagine being so dumb
Do they even look the same to your dumbass eyes
All 3 swords in the bottom panel have long black lightning on ALL swords

How is that the same as a tiny coa spark on enma when it's coated in haki and no lightning on the other swords

That's not acoc either
Bro, we have already debated it, we have brought images and evidence, more than a thousand times, also explaining the differences with the images in front, they still do not want to see it because it is not convenient for them, it is simple

The thing is so simple to differentiate that it has no further complications.

Flames or green smoke = Hell Fire (name I saw on Twitter, I like it) This is just the flames, WITHOUT THE BLACK RAYS. For the brainless, the small streaks that appear in some images ARE NOT ADVCOC, we have already brought 3 or 4 different images in which they are shown (Dresrosa, VS Kamazou, etc.)

ADVcoc = Black rays that come out on the swords, which are maintained and clearly seen before the attack and after the attack, I repeat, on the weapon. We have several images in the VS against King, which are seen and understood perfectly.

King of Hell = We have only seen the combination of the previous 2 in the VS against King, and not in the entire combat, sometimes only the flames appeared and in another attack only the black rays appeared

Against Lucci, Zoro has only used Hell Fire, in 2 vignettes, without using a named technique, in one vignette he only appears talking and in another exchanging random blows. End
Imagine being so dumb
Do they even look the same to your dumbass eyes
All 3 swords in the bottom panel have long black lightning on ALL swords

How is that the same as a tiny coa spark on enma when it's coated in haki and no lightning on the other swords

That's not acoc either
Oh no!! There is only 1 spark in that panel. My god how could I be so stupid?

Imagine being so dumb
Do they even look the same to your dumbass eyes
All 3 swords in the bottom panel have long black lightning on ALL swords

How is that the same as a tiny coa spark on enma when it's coated in haki and no lightning on the other swords

That's not acoc either
It's always been CoA.. Actually what you further demonstrate that CoA Black lightning was transforming in Purple Smoke which shows they were mixed before and when Enma tamed it split into Green Smoke and Black Lightning CoA..


If that chapter drops and Zoro still didn't win...just accept it that he's a fraud
If he wins but it wasn't as easily like you wish "one move or 2-3" and drops on the floor unconscious...then accept it that he's a fraud

So hope that Zoro wins easily without being heavily weakened or out for the arc in ch1111 !
Bro took the fastest L known to mankind