Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
Egghead has worst tension in whole of OP
Oda keeps trying to make us act like we should be scared of SHs trying to escape now gorosei are here but literally no one is falling for this shit

giants manage to save Luffy instantly as well
Problem is that Ode seems to actively hate tension now
Buster Call and Egghead getting destroyed? Next chapter has Bonney controlling the pacfista and the giants destroying half the navy fleet
5 elders beastly introduction after all this time? Following chapter is apparently giants (allies) hype
It's like Oda does everything to defuse the tension lol
Bro was eating Divine departures for breakfast and was terrorizing admirals so hard they started wearing colored pants so their piss can't be seen.

They literally had to beg him and pay him to stop hunting them :saden:
Cool fan fic. In reality this bum couldn't even take named attacks from YC5 Vista and had to postpone the fight. :usoprice:Bro barely managed to be a hobby fight for vastly weaker, pre Yonko Shanks 13+ years ago whilst Mihawk himself was already near prime famous, then when the very moment he meets yonko shanks, he pisses and shits his pants at the same time and runs away. I guess Fraudhawk knew his fate would be the same as Kid as if he stood there a second longer, and I guess he also knew his fate would be the same as Kid if he ever had to challenge any of the actual top tier yonkos for the One Piece. I guess thats why the bum isn't repped in the land of swordsman or Kaido.:usoprice:

Admirals didn't consider the fodder worth their time and just sent random fodder marines (not even vice admirals) to chase after Mihawk and the bum ran just the same and had to beg Buggy to save him :usoprice:
this is just a reintroduction. That doesn’t mean they’ll lose here or show all their cards. Believe in the gorosei hype. They might still be stronger than the OGs
Frankly, all that matters is Imu is potentially stronger than everyone, not necessarily the Gorosei. They don't necessarily need to be above BB/Shanks/Akainu to be endgame, because they are subordinates, though its possible some of them are depending on where Zoro, etc are at that point.

Imu's subordinate count is also ridiculous compared to the rest:

- Akainu presumably has 9 major subordinates (2 Admirals and 7 Zodiac VAs, discounting Kizaru if he's gone this arc)
- Blackbeard has 10 major subordinates (if you count Kuzan)
- Shanks has 9 major subordinates
- Luffy has 9 major subordinates

Imu has, on paper, at least 14! 9 God Knights that we know of and 5 Gorosei, all of which "seem" to be relative to an Admiral potentially. So unless they lose this arc, Imu is not balanced like the rest are as a major group.

Random tangent, but Doflamingo may have categorically similar with his 4 suit Executives and those under them. I mean, compare these scenes even!
