Powers & Abilities Oden and Kaido surpassed Whitbeard and Roger | full analysis

So my thread about Kaido was received better than I thought it would, so now you are ready to a very harsh truth, it pains me to say it but all the evidence points at one direction which is that "Oden and Kaido surpassed Whitbeard and Roger in terms of strength" and I now it's bad, it's really bad but Oda wats a Samurai be the strongest and I can't do anything but to accept the truth, I hope I'm wrong but it's just hope with zero evidence.

Let's recap what I said about Oden vs Rayleigh thread.
By the way, if things come to a debate I wanna repost my old post as a factor, feel free to use it.

Guys I don't care who do you think will win in Rayleigh vs Katakuri fight, but stop comparing him to Oden, Oden is on different tier compared to Rayleigh.
Oden's backstory was similar to Big Mom's backstory (Oda is giving Oden a top tier potential like Big Mom) the guy was using Enma at age of 4.

Whitebeard stopped his crew members from fighting against Oden and told them to hide behind him.

Whitbeard knew that there's no one in his crew that could fight against Oden and even compares Oden to his previous crew members likes of Big Mom, Kaido, Shiki etc.

Roger like Whitbeard didn't let his crew members to fight against Oden (even though he was little bid late since Oden already defeated some of them) it was represented in comedic way, but that doesn't change the fact that both Roger and Whitbeard faced Oden by themselves, and even Rayleigh and Copper teamed up against Oden. Roger wouldn't be interested in Oden if Oden was on Rayleigh's level, he wanted to test him since Oden was somewhat compared to him, he wasn't on Roger's level but he was on the same tier.

In Roger pirates vs Whitbeard pirates panel we can't see Oden since Oden is fighting with Roger, Knowing Oden he wouldn't be interested in Rayleigh and would try to test his strength in against the strongest.

In this panel Oda compares Oden, Whitbread and Roger to Ace, Sabo and Luffy and guess what...
Against whom did Luffy and Sabo fight to test their strength? Yeah, against Ace Roger's son, Sabo was almost equal to Ace and and even defeated him multiple times while Luffy was always defeated by Ace and same dynamic is here.
I'm pretty sure Oden fought only against Roger and was always defeated like Luffy while Whitbeard was almost equal to Roger like Sabo to Ace, and even their wounds are on the same place the parallel is clear.

Oden scarred Kaido, that is feat that even Whitbeard and Roger couldn't achieve, and we Know that Whitbeard fought against Kaido.

Oda again comperes Oden to likes of Whitbeard and Roger (Oden himself says that if he can't defeat Kaido then nobody can) which means that Oden was at the very least equal to Whitbeard.

Stop comparing Oden to Rayleigh and this is saying you someone who hates Oden the most, I hate that character for ruining for me Wano arc, I hate his stupidity, I hate his designe and ugly face but I can accept the simple truth even though that Rayleigh is my top three characters. What Rayleigh did in Sabaody was the same what Marco did in mareanford, Rayleigh stopped Kizaru's attack in the same way how Marco stopped Kizaru's attack and fought back, keep it real and stop the BS.
My conclusion was based on the evidence from manga, that showed that Oden never fought against Rayleigh but only against Roger. Back then Oden was weaker and has become stronger while traveling with Roger and Whitbeard for around decade (look how powerful Luffy has become with 2 years of training and Oden had from 5 to 10 years of experience from Roger and Whitbeard) so he came back to Wano much stronger than he left Wano.

In my thread about Kaido people were telling me that Kaido now is much stronger than ha was 20 years ago, so here is what I responded to the same thing in deferent thread.
He indeed has become stronger but not considerably, not as much as you think he has.... what Oden said about "no one being able to defeat Kaido in their generation" means that Kaido was at the very least strong enough to defend himself against Admirals and Yonkos which means he was top tier back then and I'm not going to dismiss Oden's words because it goes against your subjective reality. This Idea of Kaido not being strong enough 20 years ago comes from Sengoku's comment about Big Mom and Kaido but people forget that he was talking about Rocks' time and not about 20 years ago. Why do people forget that Whitbeard reached his prime at age of 38? I mean Shanks is Yonko at age of 39 and he became Yonko 6 years ago, so he became Yonko at age of 33, Blackbeard is a Yonko at age of 40, Aokiji is now 49 years Old and he became Admiral around decade ago, so he became Admiral at age of 39, Luffy will become Yonko at age of 20 and he will be the Pirate King at age of 25+ and you're telling me that Kaido was much weaker back 20 years ago then he is now? Like come on man, this is beyond ridiculous.
Yes, Kaido has become stronger since then and I agree with you guys 100%, but the gap between Kaido 20 years ago and now is so small that it's almost irrelevant.

The evidence of Oden and Kaido being the strongest.

We know that Kaido has fought against Rocks' crew members numerous times, we know that Roger and Garp clashed at least for few seconds with Kaido, we Know that Kaido has challenged both Marians and Yonkos but the only one who was able to scar Kaido was Oden, and he did it casually as if it was a regular thecnique and if you think that it was only back when Kaido was just an apprentice in Rocks' crew, then look at this.

Big Mom and Kaido had all out fight for 24 hours and no one was damaged nether to say scared (big feats for Big Mom), Shanks and Kaido had clash with each other with same result, and look at Kaido's scar... it's Big, like really big. It's the biggest scar in one piece it's even bigger than Oden who is around 4 meters tall, Oden's AP is fu:k:d up.

So, now look what nnarrator said about both Kaido and Oden's strength.

Keep in mind that Kaido was called WSC after Oden's death, I'd say Oden was the strongest on the land and after Kaido killed him he became the WSC. It's no wander that Kaido was scared of Oden since he had the power to kill him, keep in mind that back then Kaido wasn't suicidal and he became the one after Oden's death, could that be that Oden was the only one who could possibly kill Kaido and now the world is boring whiteout the only one who could kill Kaido?

And here Oden confirms what I said. Oden puts himself above Whitbeard cuz Whitbeard is still alive and healthy, and I'm not going to consider that Oden was mentally ill hence Oden>Whitbread=Roger just like Kaido>Whitbeard=Roger Oden suggests that amongst all people on the planet he's the only one who has the chance to kill Kaido and if he can't then nobody can't, which means Kaido was and is stronger than Roger and Whitbeard. If It was just one factor/evidence then I wouldn't pay attention but there's to much for me to dismiss it.

@Grumpy Zoro
@Ice devil slayer
@Winsmoke Sanji
@Robin swan
@Orojackson Refugee
@Sword God Ryuma
@Mr. Anderson
@yunzabit heights
@Monster trio
@Don DaSlayer
@Master OF Haki
@Topi Jerami
@Luffy is the mc
@worst pirate
@Garp the Fist
@Dark Hound
@Light D Lamperouge
@Owl Ki
@Admiral Lee Hung
@Starbound Beast D. Draig
@Benn beck
@Foxy Bunny
@Cyrus the Cactus
@Zoro D Goat
@critical mindset
@Sakura no Hiluluk
@Usopp Haoshoku Haki
@Monkey D Theories
@Yo Tan Wa
@Izaya X
@Gon’s Missing Arm
@Albino 👑
@Dark Knight Sanji
@Gol D. Roger
@Emperor Nami
@Gensui Sazid
@Hanzo hattori
@Buggy D Clown
@Tenshi No Konan
@Guan Yu
@MD Zolo
@Sadistic Senpai
@Celestial D. Dragon

  • Update after chapter 1009&1010
When I first made this thread people were saying, and I quote: Whitbeard and Roger were clearly stronger than Kaido and Oden, their weapons weren't even touching etc.

And I said to them, I quote: We've never seen Yonkos using haki, so we can't say that Whitbeard and Roger's haki was stronger than theirs etc.

And as we can see, I ended up being right...

We found out that Kaido has the same
level of haki as Roger and Whitbeard,
but we also got an answer to another question/complaint from people. Some of you were saying that: Oden can't possibly be on the same level as Whitbeard and Roger because he was pushed around by Roger's attack, while I was saying that Oden became stronger during his journey with Roger.

And unlike your words, mine were backed up by the manga, but the main problem was that Oden spent with Roger only one year, and some of you were saying that it wasn't enough for Oden to grow stronger.

And here we can see Luffy figuring out how to use advanced CoC after getting hit by Kaido with CoC attack. Luffy managed to figure it out in just few days, do you really think that Oden wouldn't be able to do the same after being hit by Roger's CoC attack!? And unlike Luffy Oden had one year to learn it while being surrounded by multiple CoC haki users. Do you really think that Oden, who had interest in everything wouldn't ask Roger and Whitbeard about their haki, especially after being surprised by the fact that their weapons weren't even touching!? Of course he would, and Roger probably thought him how use advanced CoC.

Both Luffy and Oden clearly used combination of advanced CoA and CoC to significantly damage Kaido. There is/was a reason of why Kaido was so scared of Oden, he was shiting his pants just by seeing him.

Kaido even compares Luffy to those few who had/have advanced CoC and CoA. So, yet again, both Kaido and Oden were at the very least equal to Roger and Whitbeard.

Even Whitbeard acknowledged Oden's strength... it's not just Oden who said "if I can't take down Kaido then nobody from our generation will" it's also Whitbeard who also acknowledged the same thing, Whitbeard himself refused to go and fight against Kaido.

  • Update in Jan 19 2022 after 1037

New information + the old ones that I missed previously.
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Kitetsu Wanker
I think Oden was around Whitebeard's and Roger's level.
Him saying that no one of this era will manage to beat Kaido if he cant doesnt necessarily place him above the two but even if they are stronger they wont manage to beat Kaido either. Of course, Roger was already dead at that point but since he was apparently equal to Whitebeard, it applies to him as well.

Whitbeard and Roger were greatest figures of old generation, Rocks was probably the greatest of the generation before that and in this current Yonko generation it is possible that they have surpassed Roger and Whitebeard. Ace novel confirms Kaido above Whitebeard, Oden confirms it too. Oda isnt in the business of making some distant past generations the greatest but the current ones and the ones who will surpass them. An exception could be Ryuma who received an epithet of a sword god.

It is possible that all 4 current Yonkos are greater than Roger and Whitebeard because the story benefits from it. Kaido has everything required to be nr1 of the verse even if other Yonkos are falling behind greatly but not sure if Oda would gain anything if he would make other 3 significantly weaker. Either way, I expect extreme difficulty fights between any of the Yonkos and if Kaido is in the match-up, he is superior while others can probably go either way.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Let me just say,

I read this post from beginning to end. A controversial title like that one did a great job at making me want to read it fully.

That said, I don’t think you proved the thread title in the slightest.

For one, a lot of your arguments are based on things that can’t really be proven, mainly the fact that Whitebeard and Roger could not scar Kaido. I don’t know how you would really go about proving that, did not =/= could not.

For two, none of your arguments address the perception difference between Roger and Whitebeard and somebody like Kaido. Whitebeard was viewed as Roger’s equal, somebody who could’ve stepped up to the Pirate King throne if he wanted to, but chose not to. Kaido on the other hand is shown to be someone desperately trying to attain more power to overcome the other Yonko-something that Whitebeard could’ve done at any time, presumably.

If your argument is that Kaido and oden were in fact stronger than Whitebeard but no one knew it, well that’s fine I guess but..how do you explain Kaido not viewing himself and his own crew as being ready to go for Raftel? He’s currently allying with a whole separate Yonko due to the fact that he doesn’t view himself as being ready.

If Kaido himself thought he was stronger than Whitebeard or hinted that he believed himself above the other Yonko, then I’d be fine with him being > Whitebeard even though the rest of the world favored Whitebeard, but that’s not the case.

Overall I appreciate the effort of this post but I don’t think it proved its case.
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For one, a lot of your arguments are based on things that can’t really be proven, mainly the fact that Whitebeard and Roger could not scar Kaido. I don’t know how you would really go about proving that, did not =/= could not.
One Piece is not a math, I can't prove anything 100% just like you can't disprove me 100% so it is what it ir, until new evidence.
If your argument is that Kaido and oden were in fact stronger than Whitebeard, well that’s fine I guess but..how do you explain Kaido not viewing himself and his own crew as being ready to go for Raftel? He’s currently allying with a whole separate Yonko due to the fact that he doesn’t view himself as being ready.

If Kaido himself thought he was stronger than Whitebeard or hinted that he believed himself above the other Yonko, then I’d be fine with him being > Whitebeard even though the rest of the world favored Whitebeard, but that’s not the case.
Being above or on the same level as Whitbeard doesn't mean you can low diff Yonkos, regardless of power levels All top tiers are on the same tier with different power levels so ether way a fight between Kaido vs any Yonko would still be high diff.
No,they aren't.
If Kaidou had indeed surpassed WB we wouldn't have all these statements.

If he was above all the current active players he would be be defacto the strongest and would be recognized as such after WB death with no ifs and buts. Instead he is just called often the WSC, he hasn't gotten an absolute title ,showing how nonexistent his gap is with the rest and it is shown in his skirmish with BM.

Imagine 20 years in the past now.....If he hadn't reach his peak that is today....

There is nothing to say about Oden. He was squashed like a bug by Roger who didn't want to harm his,as his goal was to recruit Oden and was in Awe,just from seeing ROger and WB clashing. There is nothing showcasing that he surpassed them...

BTW not getting a permanent scar doesn't mean,nobody harmed Kaidou.
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No,they aren't.
If Kaidou had indeed surpassed WB we wouldn't have all these statements.

If he was above all the current active players he would be be defacto the strongest and would be recognized as such after WB death with no ifs and buts. Instead he is just called often the WSC, he hasn't gotten an absolute title ,showing how nonexistent his gap is with the rest and it is shown in his fight with skirmish with BM.

Imagine 20 years in the past now,if he hadn't reach his peak that is today....

There is nothing to say about Oden. He was squashed like a bug by Roger who didn't want to harm his,as his goal was to recruit Oden and was in Awe,just from seeing ROger and WB clashing. There is nothing showcasing that he surpassed them...

BTW not getting a permanent scar doesn't mean,nobody harmed Kaidou.
I didn't say nobody couldn't harm Kaido, damaging Kaido is quite easy you just need an advanced COA, most of YC 1 can damage Kaido. The rest what you said is irrelevant and doesn't disprove me.
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Imagine after all of this, Oda said :
It would be the best moment in one piece for me.
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Just a side note: I think one of the reasons Kaido allied with Korazumi is because the old hag promised that with them Kaido can defeat Oden and become the strongest, Kaido's dream probably was to become the strongest in the world and this is why he went against his own morals to kill Oden otherwise he wouldn't be the strongest, and Oden kind of realised it and said Kaido to become as strong as you can, almost like meaning (that even though you can't defeat me in fair fight but you still can surpasse me).
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Not really sure how you came to that conclusion when the story literally states otherwise.
Oden was shown to clash equally with WB and then during his journey with the WB pirates, in his journal he put emphasis on WB's strength saying he didn't know strength like that even existed and even in that scene with WB telling everyone to stay back with Oden ducking out of the way is potrayal in favour of WB

Then we have Roger completely out classing Oden and then leaving the later completely bewildered at his clash with WB. To the point where he couldn't even believe what was happening in front of his eyes. This was one year before Roger found one piece and then died IIRC.

Yh Oden did get much stronger after his voyage with those two monsters, that is a given, but he is not above either not even close imo. Oden is one ting but Kaidou 20 years ago!? ^^". That man woulda gotten washed by Prime Roger or Prime WB, if he's struggling to even overcome Oden who is not even in their league.
Not really sure how you came to that conclusion when the story literally states otherwise.
Oden was shown to clash equally with WB and then during his journey with the WB pirates, in his journal he put emphasis on WB's strength saying he didn't know strength like that even existed and even in that scene with WB telling everyone to stay back with Oden ducking out of the way is potrayal in favour of WB

Then we have Roger completely out classing Oden and then leaving the later completely bewildered at his clash with WB. To the point where he couldn't even believe what was happening in front of his eyes. This was one year before Roger found one piece and then died IIRC.

Yh Oden did get much stronger after his voyage with those two monsters, that is a given, but he is not above either not even close imo. Oden is one ting but Kaidou 20 years ago!? ^^". That man woulda gotten his washed by Prime Roger or Prime WB, if he's struggling to even overcome Oden who is not even in their league.
I was denying it too, I made a thread back then saying that "Oden back then and Luffy now on the same level) but I've analysed things multiple times and made an obvious conclusion, my top 3 characters are Whitbeard, Shanks and Rayleigh but truth is truth. I'm not here to change your mind or force you to believe in things that you don't want to believe, I just made this thread to show what clear evidence are telling us, you can believe what you wanna believe and that's your right.
I really don't think there is any way how you can push a Kaidou is stronger than Primebeard or Roger narrative, tbh. On their level is one thing, but stronger? Also Oden?
Nah, that's straight up impossible.

So many countless statements directly put WB and Roger above the current Yonkou that it would be bothersome to gather them all together.

- When Big mom, who was not afraid of Kaido's strength in the slightest and actually dueled him equally, elevates WB on a higher pedestal than Shanks and Kaidou, then there is not really much to debate here.

Or Crocodile calling them silver medallist etc.

Kaidou is strong, on Roger and Primebeards level, but weaker, that's definitely what the story is telling us.
I really don't think there is any way how you can push a Kaidou is stronger than Primebeard or Roger narrative, tbh. On their level is one thing, but stronger? Also Oden?
Nah, that's straight up impossible.

So many countless statements directly put WB and Roger above the current Yonkou that it would be bothersome to gather them all together.

- When Big mom, who was not afraid of Kaido's strength in the slightest and actually dueled him equally, elevates WB on a higher pedestal than Shanks and Kaidou, then there is not really much to debate here.

Or Crocodile calling them silver medallist etc.

Kaidou is strong, on Roger and Primebeards level, but weaker, that's definitely what the story is telling us.
Oda's statements contradict themselves that's for sure, he's the God of inconsistency after all 😥. But while analyzing all those statements about Whitbeard and Roger I found out that most of them are about military strength and not about fighting strength (keep in mind not all but most of them) but when it comes to Oden and Kaido most of those statements and evidence were about fighting strength (not all but most of them) and Oden was never a Yonko in first place, so him being strongest doesn't contradict Whitbeard or Roger, when it comes to Kaido, him being the second strongest doesn't really contradict Whitbeard since Whitbeard was called "the strongest pirate", but what is that mean? Is it about fighting strength or Military strength? In SBS Oda said that Whitbeard was the strongest pirate since he was the best pairet, so make your conclusion. When it comes to titles then Kaido's WSC>Whitbeard WSM obviously.
Lol nope. Sorry but no.
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It's funny how people can't decide whether agree or disagree, most of the comments lik "well, you have points and evidence and I kind of agree but at the same time it's sounds so wrong so I kind of disagree" guys, I know that it's bad, I said it at the beginning. Oda fucked it up really hard, it's a shit show at this point his love for Samurais is ruining Wano, well, it alredy did and not just Wano but the one piece itself.
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It's funny how people can't decide whether agree or disagree, most of the comments lik "well, you have points and evidence and I kind of agree but at the same time it's sounds so wrong so I kind of disagree" guys, I know that it's bad, I said it at the beginning. Oda fucked it up really hard, it's a shit show at this point his love for Samurais is ruining Wano, well, it alredy did and not just Wano but the one piece itself.
Dude chill, you’re making a drama out of nothing...