Your post contradicts itself if you read it carefully. You said Jimbe saw him getting attacked, and then you said they wouldn't know his HP just from looking at him, so if Zoro can't grasp his HP despite him being the attacker who's been fighting Lucci all along
It doesn't because my only goal with that was to counter the point you made
The idea that Jinbe randomly stumbled upon the fight with no knowledge of what took place is a myth
He saw the final attack (or the only attack as some of you claim) and surmised that Lucci needed to be removed from the equation so the Strawhats could make their escape
Then what makes you so sure Jimbe knows Lucci was a threat to them? That defeats the whole point you're trying to make.
I'm not sure, all we're doing is arguing with the limited information we have
That's why I gave you an avenue to respond with a different explanation than the one I provided
Again, if Lucci is so obviously not defeated that even an onlooker like Jinbe can tell he's not defeated, then why did Zoro, who's fighting Lucci not do the same?
You're attacking a point I didn't really make
I agreed with you in my first post that Lucci was defeated by Zoro
When fighting a Zoan user (especially an awakened one) you have to meet 2 criteria
1. Beat them (Zoro did this)
2. Ensure that they're no longer a threat which I listed the ways to do this in my previous post
Knock him out, kill him (never gonna happen, this is One Piece), launch him far away (stupidest option but no surprise that this is what he chose)
Zoro just didn't follow through
Mind you, this is a mistake that he made previously which almost resulted in the entire crew getting killed by Monet
This isn't particularly new