Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1111 Spoilers Discussion

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Lucci never forced Luffy to use it. So how are you surmising he needed it? He needed against Kaido hence Kaido forcing it out of him. He needed it against Doffy, hence Doffy forcing him to use it, he needed it against Cracker hence him forcing Luffy to use it.
Lmao , Lucci already got compared to g4.
Awakened lucci would have beaten g4.
Luffy desperately needed g5 lmao.
Lucci never forced Luffy to use it. So how are you surmising he needed it? He needed against Kaido hence Kaido forcing it out of him. He needed it against Doffy, hence Doffy forcing him to use it, he needed it against Cracker hence him forcing Luffy to use it.
cuz luffy started with G5 when seeing awaken Lucci:suresure:
Luffy didnt start with G5 against s-beard did he?:suresure:

Also Jinbei didn’t attack him, it’s a smoke screen, which in turn they took off and ran away.

We have no speed feats from Mars to make that assumption. Lucci is extremely fast as stated by Shaka what makes the most sense Lucci could save Kaku but cannot do so. So he begs for nothing to happen to his friend.
It was an attack. That’s why Lucci put his arms up to block and had movement lines like BB vs S Hawk. You don’t block a smokescreen

And we know that in matters of seconds he flew to the top of egghead and within a minute made it through the barrier and met Lucci. Yeah he’s faster than Lucci.

Lucci can’t save Kaku cause he can’t do anything compared to Mars.
Honestly? This ought to not be that big of a shock to most people. Zoro scarred Kaido for crying out loud. Despite haters calling it a paper cut, that ought to have shown people the damage Zoro can do. That anybody legit thought Lucci was gonna walk away from Zoro's attack looking even vaguely clean shows me many people in the fandom at this stage actively ignore reality in favor of slander/hating.
Why are we rewriting history

99% of people knew Lucci would take damage from the attack, that much was obvious

People were arguing Zoro didn’t oneshot him, which is true
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Alright you tell me.
According to you Zoro used KoH.

And KoH zoro couldn't cut Lucci.
But Base Zoro without KoH did it.

How is that possible tell me. KoH is more lethal and cut through more stuff than Base Zoro can.
I never said he couldn’t cut Lucci in KOH, I said Lucci out lasted him. I think Zoro would still win if he cut him in KOH obviously but he didn’t.
I am not denying that Zoro had the victory secured or that he won the bout, but the double-standards for Zbois are absolutely HILARIOUS when they have been adamant that Law and Kidd never had a victory over a Yonko despite them doing 99% of the work and attribute it all to nukes. :milaugh:
Zoro took down 1 guy that is well superior to Lucci:suresure:
What is clear that casual Zoro AP is brutal compare to G5
Let this sink in

Oda kept Zoro away from main drama

Then, he made jinbei carry zoro after zoro drenched Lucci in blood bath

Whereas he kept sanji in the main drama

And, made him stare diffed and then run away carrying VPs body

@Julius @Jackteo @MonsterZoro
Wut is blud waffling about

Comparing the "main drama" where we have Gorosei and Admiral, with fighting Bumcci for months, need Sanji to say something for him to be useful and still fail to knock him out then need a fish's help
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
''Body obliterated'' bro he took no damage, his eyes and body popped out in a gag way and that was it.
Ryokugyu took no damage either lmfao. Is that your metric? Either both got “WiFi diffed!” Or neither did.

And Nika looks so much worse lmfao. If the giants weren’t there Topman would’ve defeated Nika with CoC. lol
Don wick chan.
You are making fun of yourself by running away from my arguments.
Face me , you said you would once raw comes out.
Or still wanna believe luffy low diffs zoro lmao.
How am I running from you? I’m in the midst of soloing the entire forum right now. So if I have gotten to you yet don’t take it personally. You get your reality check soon just wait in line.
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