[FNZ] Role Madness One Piece: Water 7/Enies Lobby

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Not what I said. Strike 2 - you're strawmanning my point to present my expectation as unfair when really, it's about the purpose of your Flower read.
You did not respond to the entirety of my post.

But maybe I did not express myself well there - I gave Flower a town lean, but due to the fact I was burned by her when she fooled me as scum twice in the row it was not a strong read.

Still, with the way your wagon built so quickly maybe you are town here.
Serious question, how is that the dichotomy you get from my post?
It wasn't

I'm not going to get into an entire 20+ post exchange over how I'm doing X because of Y dude, you asked a question that isn't applicable from my POV

serious question, did you think I was going to consider this a good faith argument on your end?
@Dr. Watson What's your take on all this?
I think the wagon on you is built upon paranoia and what many townies see as parallels to your scum game (your read on melkor in general, discounting the fact why you're reading melkor this way)

I was waiting for you to explain your vote on Mel contextually so I could identify you

I don't sense an AtE scum play from you - at least for now - so I'm comfortable bouncing off ideas with you

Doesn't look like a "Mel is lhf" vote

I don't think you'd go after Mel when everything is so fresh, either. If you were scum, you know the risks of scum reading someone like Mel, and this is a calculation you would be too fatigued to take on so soon
Town reads:

@Udell (tonally he seems townie to me)

Weaker town leans: @Kiku, @Ratchet

I do not have many scum reads yet. I did not like Polar's entrance, wants to see more of him - gave a comprehensvie list of reads that do not look bad.

@Worst I have a bad vibe from some of your posts that looked like side commentary to me, do you have a list of reads? Same about @Emil your posts look pretty weak so far this game.


Custom title
Town reads:

@Udell (tonally he seems townie to me)

Weaker town leans: @Kiku, @Ratchet

I do not have many scum reads yet. I did not like Polar's entrance, wants to see more of him - gave a comprehensvie list of reads that do not look bad.

@Worst I have a bad vibe from some of your posts that looked like side commentary to me, do you have a list of reads? Same about @Emil your posts look pretty weak so far this game.
Yep I had Ratchet as a town lean and after the turnaround in the wagon this solidifies it even more!

I also have pot as a town lean ( but this is more a guts read )

There are actually 3 people I'm not liking rn, they're not solid reads ATM still a bit of guts read on them as well....I'll elaborate more depending on their posting


Yeah, stay on Ratchet. His reaction is the same shit as in Christmas when he was scum and said "I will flame the ever living fuck out of you".

I'll be off now. Make sure he doesn't get away with that shit.
You still want to vote for him after he claimed?
Seriously :milaugh:Maybe I know more players then I think. Who else have changed their names?

I think we need to vote from this group. Thoughts from anyone else?
Inactives are troublesome because they usually end up being non motivated towns, but scum loves to fly underneath that disguise all the time.

Town reads:

@Udell (tonally he seems townie to me)

Weaker town leans: @Kiku, @Ratchet

I do not have many scum reads yet. I did not like Polar's entrance, wants to see more of him - gave a comprehensvie list of reads that do not look bad.

@Worst I have a bad vibe from some of your posts that looked like side commentary to me, do you have a list of reads? Same about @Emil your posts look pretty weak so far this game.
If you had to give your two biggest scum reads who would they be? Would it be Worst and Emil?

Yep I had Ratchet as a town lean and after the turnaround in the wagon this solidifies it even more!

I also have pot as a town lean ( but this is more a guts read )

There are actually 3 people I'm not liking rn, they're not solid reads ATM still a bit of guts read on them as well....I'll elaborate more depending on their posting
Why wait? You should name them.

I'm not a fan of how Flower hasn't backed off Ratchet after he claimed. I don't see scum being able to claim that easily. :choppawhat:
You still want to vote for him after he claimed?

Seriously :milaugh:Maybe I know more players then I think. Who else have changed their names?

Inactives are troublesome because they usually end up being non motivated towns, but scum loves to fly underneath that disguise all the time.

If you had to give your two biggest scum reads who would they be? Would it be Worst and Emil?

Why wait? You should name them.

I'm not a fan of how Flower hasn't backed off Ratchet after he claimed. I don't see scum being able to claim that easily. :choppawhat:

Propably Worst and Emil, yes. What about yours?
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