I read the first couple pages.
First impression was that Flower actually comes across as kinda stilted/nervous when she entered the game, she made a read on Watson here which feels off:
Because Watson has claimed miller, and this doesn't factor into her assessment, but instead she puts emphasis on her play which is borderline nonexistant. I feel like she should be talking about this and weighing whether she's real miller or not. Instead even when it's pointed out to her Miller could be a provided fake she defaults to "well I don't think she could be making it up", which feels weak
I think as scum she almost never takes a swing at Ratchet while she's scum and he's town.
I also am not terribly enthused with Ratchet's entrance. It's not bad but it's not great either.
Something about their dynamic is off, I don't really hate Flower's accusation toward's Ratchet, but the way she folded into immediately wanting to lynch him is NOT how she normally treats him. She normally pesters him with read requests, loves to sheep him, etc. If she does suspect him I think she's too risk averse to want to lop his head off.
In conclusion I think this could be distancing or there's one scum between the two of them, but that's just early impression.
Will be back later