Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters
Could we get spoilers this week?
No. Spoilers will be second week of April
No , atleast wait 2 weeks and a half
No early spoilers for 1112
Are any of you leakers? How the hell you know we won't get spoilers this week?

Who gives a fuck if it is break week. It happened in the past to have 2 weeks of spoilers and then the chapter.
We will have spoilers this week because I want!
No. But you can listen to good music like Toto in the mean time :goyea:
Dudes starving for OP during 3 break weeks:

Me enjoying Kingdom during 3 break weeks:
The legend of Kora truly could have been a top tier show surpassing Avatar the Last Airbender if they simply made a few changes to the story:

1. Have tenzin have more fight scenes in the show since he is a beast. Heavily focus on the fact that he is the epitome of of being the highest form of Airbender

2. Actually have his brother bumi be a powerful earth bender like the original bumi from Avatar last air bender. Have him be the one that introduced lava bending into the series. His personality can remain the same.

3. Kya, katara and aang's only daughter should have been trained to have katara's entire fighting moveset and not simply be a renowned healer. She can be both a renowned healer and water bending fighter/master. Also give her blood bending.

4. Have the white lotus remain as a secret organization comprised of top tier fighters and benders. Have the top members include:
Sokka, Toph, zuko, katara, tenzin, Tonraq, and bumi

5. Have Sokka be the current leader of the white lotus in the legend of Korra

6. Have everything remain the same about prince General iroh II except his age. Have his age be within the same age group as Korra. Have him have much much much much more screen time with him also having blue flames like his grand aunt azula, looks and fighting style of his grand father zuko, and wisdom and knowledge like his great great grand uncle iroh.

7. COMPLETELY GET RID OF MAKO AND BOLIN. Mako is replaced with general iroh || whom assists korra on her adventures when their path meet. Bolin is replaced by a Male martial arts prodigy named Zy-lee (grandson of ty-lee) whom is extremely gifted and has complete mastery over Chi-Blocking. Because of his grandmother and mother, he was trained in the arts of chi- blocking. However his family are circus acrobats and while he likes it his dream is to be a police officer within the metal bending corp. Asami is still apart of team avatar. Have everything about her remain the same and have her have a love interest in prince iroh II.

8. No silly love triangle in this show. Still have focus on toph's daughters

9. Change the order in which korras villains are presented in the show. Have it where :

Amon can remain as the first villian encounter. His story can remain exactly the same except have his story be longer and have it that his brother failed to kill him in his suicide attempt. And as a result amon appears again in the last season of the show.

Have kuvira be second antagonist. Keep everything the same with the story and character except the introduction of toph. Toph should be shown in the last season of the show. Also have kuvira be General Iroh II main fight and have him be the one to put her down while the rest of team avatar and tophs children protect the city from her large mech.

Unalaq should be third villian encounter. Have everything remain the same about his character. Even the introduction of the story of Wan. Have everything in story remain the same with the exception of vaatu escaping only to return in the final season.

And the last season be the introduction of the strongest members of the red lotus which includes: 1).zaheer, 2). ghazal, 3).ming-hua, 4). P'Li, 5). Amon. Because of Harmonic Convergence which happened in this case in season 3 alot of air benders are still created so we still get the same cast we got with tenzin teaching new Airbenders. In season 4 these new Airbenders are fully realized fighters. In season 4 is an all out war with the red lotus being backed by vaatu. During this korra was infected/poisoned during her fight with vaatu last season and as a result feels less of an avatar. This strains her relationship with her team and loved ones. She still stumbles upon toph via aang guiding korra with advice from the spirit world and sokka guiding her in the physical world. Through toph korra receives more spiritual guidance and unity with the earth and the cycle of the universe. As a result she is able to reforged herself as a person. War breaks out in season 4. The entire fighting between the regular members of the red lotus and their supporters (amons loyal servants whom are chi blockers that still followed him after finding out the truth about him) vs the regular members of the white lotus along with their supporters (being the new kuiyoshi warriors lead by sokkas son), Asami with her tech, fire lord Izumi and the fire nation army, along with the new air nomads protected by bumi and kya. Have both bumi and kya pop off showing their complete mastery over their element which insights both the enemy and their allies to openly state how these individuals are definitely the children of Avatar Aang and Katara.

The strongest members of the red lotus vs some of the strongest members of the white lotus along with team korra, happens in the spirit world:

We have:

1) Tenzin vs Zaheer (boosted by evil of vaatu in the spirit world)
Zaheer can still recieve flight after by getting power boosted but still gets defeated by the true epitome of air bending

2) Katara vs Amon
Katara: uses mytical water blood bending ability on herself that is able to return her strength and movements back to her prime. This ability bypasses her body's limitations but can only be sustained for 5 mins before it starts to pain her.

3) Toph vs Ghazaal
Toph: because she is one with the earth due to enhancing her spirit over the years she is able to pull nutrients and energy from the earth resulting in her body being returned back to her peak form. This ability last for 5 minutes

4. Sokka vs P'Li
It's sokka vs sparky boom man all over again lol. Even though sokka isn't a bender he honed his skills and even within old age he is still able to fight in peak performance due to his training with suki and the koishi warriors in the past. Along with new invented weaponry he can gold his own.

5. Zuko vs Ming-hua
Zuko has honed his fire to the point that it can produce explosive energies in his body. This ability has been honed over the years and a result he is able to fight at prime peak performance even in his old age.

6) Korra, Iroh II ,and Zy-Lee vs Vaatu

At the end the battle is one. Sokka dies. He isn't sad since he will be able to see his wife suki who had passed years before.

After the defeat of vaatu, zuko was able to meet Uncle iroh. Ends on a touching scene
Last edited:
The legend of Kora truly could have been a top tier show surpassing Avatar the Last Airbender if they simply made a few changes to the story:

1. Have tenzin have more fight scenes in the show since he is a beast. Heavily focus on the fact that he is the epitome of of being the highest form of Airbender

2. Actually have his brother bumi be a powerful earth bender like the original bumi from Avatar last air bender. Have him be the one that introduced lava bending into the series. His personality can remain the same.

3. Kya, katara and aang's only daughter should have been trained to have katara's entire fighting moveset and not simply be a renowned healer. She can be both a renowned healer and water bending fighter/master. Also give her blood bending.

4. Have the white lotus remain as a secret organization comprised of top tier fighters and benders. Have the top members include:
Sokka, Toph, zuko, katara, tenzin, Tonraq, and bumi

5. Have Sokka be the current leader of the white lotus in the legend of Korea

6. Have everything remain the same about prince General iroh II except his age. Have his age be within the same age group as Korra. Have him have much much much much more screen time with him also having blue flames like his grand aunt azula, looks amd fighting style of his grand father zuko, and wisdom and knowledge like his great great grand uncle iroh.

7. COMPLETELY GET RID OF MAKO AND BOLIN. Mako is replaced with general iroh || whom assists korra on her adventures when their path meet. Bolin is replaced by a Male martial arts prodigy named Zy-lee (grandson of ty-lee) whom is extremely gifted and has complete mastery over Chi-Blocking. Because of his grandmother and mother is trained in the arts of chi- blocking. However his family are circus acrobats and while he likes it his dream is to be a police officer within the metal bending corp. Asami is still apart of team avatar. Have everything about her remain the same and have her have a love interest in prince iroh II.

8. No silly love triangle in this show.

9. Change the order in which korras villains are presented in the show. Have it where :

Amon can remain as the first villian encounter. His story can remain exactly the same except have his story be longer and have to where his brother failed to kill him in his suicide attempt. And as a result amon appears again in the last season of the show.

Have kuvira be second antagonist. Keep e erything the same with the story and character except the introduction of toph. Toph should be shown in the last season of the show. Also have kuvira be General Iroh II main fight and have him be the one to put her down while the rest of team avatar protec the city from her large mech.

Unalaq should be third villian encounter. Have everything remain the same about his character. Even the introduction of the story of Wan. Have eeverything in story remain the same with the exception of vaatu escaping only to return in the final season.

And the last season be the introduction of the strongest members of the red lotus which includes: 1).zaheer, 2). ghazal, 3).ming-hua, 4). P'Li, 5). Amon. Because of Harmonic Convergence which happened in this case in season 3 alot of air benders are still created so we still get the same cast we got with tenzin teaching new Airbenders. In season 4 these new Airbenders are fully realized fighters. In season 4 is an all out war with the red lotus being backed by vaatu. During this korra was infected/poisoned during her fight with vaatu last season and as a result feels less of an avatar. This strains her relationship with her team and loved onces. She still stumbles upon toph via iroh guiding korra with advice from the spirit world. Through toph korra receives more spiritual guidance and oneness with the earth and the cycle of the universe. As a result she is able to reforged herself as a person. War breaks out in season 4. The entire fighting between the regular members of the red lotus and their supporters (among loyal servants whom are chi blockers that still followed him after finding out the truth about him) vs the regular members of the white lotus along with their supporters (being the new kuiyoshi warriors lead by sokkas son), fire lord Izumi and the fire nation army, along with tenzins new air nomads with the assistance of bumi and kya.

The strongest members of the red lotus vs the strongest members of the white lotus along with support happens in the spirit world:

We have:

1) Tenzin vs Zaheer

2) Katara vs Amon
Katara: uses mytical water blood bending ability on herself that is able to return her strength and movements back to her prime. This ability bypasses her body's limitations but can only be sustained for 5 mins before it starts to pain her.

3) Toph vs Ghazaal
Toph: because she is one with the earth due to enhancing her spirit over the years she is able to pull nutrients and energy from the earth resulting in her body being returned back to her peak form. This ability last for 5 minutes

4. Sokka vs P'Li
It's sokka vs sparky boom man all over again lol. Even though sokka isn't a bender he honed his skills and even within old age he is still able to fight in peak performance due to his training with suki and the koishi warriors in the past. Along with new invented weaponry he can gold his own.

5. Zy-lee vs Ming-hua

6) Zuko and Korra vs Vaatu
Zuko has honed his fire to the point that it can produce explosive energies in his body. This ability has been honed over the years and a result he is able to fight at prime peak performance even in his old age.

At the end the battle is one. Sokka dies. He isn't sad since he will be able to see his wife suki who had passed years before.

After the defeat of vaatu, zuko was able to meet Uncle iroh. Ends on a touching scene
Not reading allat but I'll like it because you put a lot of effort in it.
The legend of Kora truly could have been a top tier show surpassing Avatar the Last Airbender if they simply made a few changes to the story:

1. Have tenzin have more fight scenes in the show since he is a beast. Heavily focus on the fact that he is the epitome of of being the highest form of Airbender

2. Actually have his brother bumi be a powerful earth bender like the original bumi from Avatar last air bender. Have him be the one that introduced lava bending into the series. His personality can remain the same.

3. Kya, katara and aang's only daughter should have been trained to have katara's entire fighting moveset and not simply be a renowned healer. She can be both a renowned healer and water bending fighter/master. Also give her blood bending.

4. Have the white lotus remain as a secret organization comprised of top tier fighters and benders. Have the top members include:
Sokka, Toph, zuko, katara, tenzin, Tonraq, and bumi

5. Have Sokka be the current leader of the white lotus in the legend of Korea

6. Have everything remain the same about prince General iroh II except his age. Have his age be within the same age group as Korra. Have him have much much much much more screen time with him also having blue flames like his grand aunt azula, looks amd fighting style of his grand father zuko, and wisdom and knowledge like his great great grand uncle iroh.

7. COMPLETELY GET RID OF MAKO AND BOLIN. Mako is replaced with general iroh || whom assists korra on her adventures when their path meet. Bolin is replaced by a Male martial arts prodigy named Zy-lee (grandson of ty-lee) whom is extremely gifted and has complete mastery over Chi-Blocking. Because of his grandmother and mother is trained in the arts of chi- blocking. However his family are circus acrobats and while he likes it his dream is to be a police officer within the metal bending corp. Asami is still apart of team avatar. Have everything about her remain the same and have her have a love interest in prince iroh II.

8. No silly love triangle in this show.

9. Change the order in which korras villains are presented in the show. Have it where :

Amon can remain as the first villian encounter. His story can remain exactly the same except have his story be longer and have to where his brother failed to kill him in his suicide attempt. And as a result amon appears again in the last season of the show.

Have kuvira be second antagonist. Keep e erything the same with the story and character except the introduction of toph. Toph should be shown in the last season of the show. Also have kuvira be General Iroh II main fight and have him be the one to put her down while the rest of team avatar protec the city from her large mech.

Unalaq should be third villian encounter. Have everything remain the same about his character. Even the introduction of the story of Wan. Have eeverything in story remain the same with the exception of vaatu escaping only to return in the final season.

And the last season be the introduction of the strongest members of the red lotus which includes: 1).zaheer, 2). ghazal, 3).ming-hua, 4). P'Li, 5). Amon. Because of Harmonic Convergence which happened in this case in season 3 alot of air benders are still created so we still get the same cast we got with tenzin teaching new Airbenders. In season 4 these new Airbenders are fully realized fighters. In season 4 is an all out war with the red lotus being backed by vaatu. During this korra was infected/poisoned during her fight with vaatu last season and as a result feels less of an avatar. This strains her relationship with her team and loved onces. She still stumbles upon toph via iroh guiding korra with advice from the spirit world. Through toph korra receives more spiritual guidance and oneness with the earth and the cycle of the universe. As a result she is able to reforged herself as a person. War breaks out in season 4. The entire fighting between the regular members of the red lotus and their supporters (among loyal servants whom are chi blockers that still followed him after finding out the truth about him) vs the regular members of the white lotus along with their supporters (being the new kuiyoshi warriors lead by sokkas son), fire lord Izumi and the fire nation army, along with tenzins new air nomads with the assistance of bumi and kya.

The strongest members of the red lotus vs the strongest members of the white lotus along with support happens in the spirit world:

We have:

1) Tenzin vs Zaheer

2) Katara vs Amon
Katara: uses mytical water blood bending ability on herself that is able to return her strength and movements back to her prime. This ability bypasses her body's limitations but can only be sustained for 5 mins before it starts to pain her.

3) Toph vs Ghazaal
Toph: because she is one with the earth due to enhancing her spirit over the years she is able to pull nutrients and energy from the earth resulting in her body being returned back to her peak form. This ability last for 5 minutes

4. Sokka vs P'Li
It's sokka vs sparky boom man all over again lol. Even though sokka isn't a bender he honed his skills and even within old age he is still able to fight in peak performance due to his training with suki and the koishi warriors in the past. Along with new invented weaponry he can gold his own.

5. Zy-lee vs Ming-hua

6) Zuko and Korra vs Vaatu
Zuko has honed his fire to the point that it can produce explosive energies in his body. This ability has been honed over the years and a result he is able to fight at prime peak performance even in his old age.

At the end the battle is one. Sokka dies. He isn't sad since he will be able to see his wife suki who had passed years before.

After the defeat of vaatu, zuko was able to meet Uncle iroh. Ends on a touching scene
nice powerscaler fanfic
Haha, i don't know what you folks are wafling about but I already planned an entire season of mangas to read that I used to fill the break weeks:

1- Kingdom (indication by @Lee Ba Shou)
2- Sakamoto Days( indication by @Chrono
3- JJK(non-indication by @EmperorKinyagi , but who cares lol)
4- Kagurabachi( indication by @yorosenpai )

I'm still busy binging the OG Dragon Ball
I really want to read Sakamoto Days though. Seems pretty good, hope it gets an anime soon.
JJK looks and sounds like a very goofy manga but I do like this AMV of it