Hello all,
Continuing our Kingdom break week, today we’re going to look at who I believe could legitimately prove to be the single strongest warrior in China. And it may not be who you’re thinking it is:
And that character is of course the former Lord of Juukou, Chu General Man’U.
Ohhhhh baby, this character knocked a lot of Moubu fans on their asses when he was introduced lol. People thought Moubu was about to mid diff this guy, and yeah I’ll toot my own horn and remind everyone that I knew this guy wasn’t about to go down easily. As soon as I saw “he’s even larger than Moubu” followed by this:
I knew we weren’t going to be seeing some ordinary brute in action. And indeed, although Juukou as a battle only lasted about 8 chapters, Hara went extremely hard on the Man’U hype.
Not only did Man’U not go down easily, but he of course gave us one of the most infamous moments in modern Kingdom:
As he throttled Moubu off of his horse with only one arm. Instead of killing Moubu, he chose to antagonize him and allowed him to get back on his horse:
The Qin soldiers even reacted with confusion as to why Man’U was provoking Moubu instead of just killing him. I mean can you just imagine the state of the Kingdom fandom if Man’U throttled Moubu off his horse with one arm and killed him immediately lmfao. And the scariest part?
Okay so let’s pause for a second. At this point, you may be asking yourself “what the fuck is happening?” This guy throttled Moubu with one arm, completely stopping the advance of the man who killed Kanmei, the self proclaimed “strongest in all of China”, and Man’U isn’t even doing half of what you expected him to do?
Let’s remind ourselves of the hype placed upon Man’U.
Man’U is the former Supreme Commander and Great General of the now destroyed state of Beki.
Beki could only survive for as long as it did because of Man’U himself, who repelled Chu time and time again:
Even after Beki was absorbed by Chu, Man’U wandered around aimlessly pulverizing Chu army after Chu army:
He was said to have defeated all of the Chu Generals of the Beki-Koku era. (?)
This is perhaps a good time to remind you all that the strength of the average Chu General is far, far beyond the strength of your average General of any other state. And Man’U was said to be rolling over Chu generals left and right.
And while Man’U never personally fought with Kanmei himself:
Man’U leads the legendary Juukou army, which produced victories against the likes of “Kanmei’s ilk”. And not only did Juukou defeat “Kanmei’s ilk”, but according to Juukou’Ou, “chased them down and slaughtered them.”
Now I’m going to use the Google Definition of the word “Ilk” here:
A type of people or things similar to those already referred to.
Now I don’t know why this particular word was used by the translators who translated Juukou, but if we were to assume this is an accurate translation, (I don’t see why not), then this literally means the Juukou gang was chasing down and slaughtering Kanmei’s peers. Which if nothing else, means the Juukou army under Man’U was defeating some incredibly strong opponents.
The other states even stopped attacking Juukou altogether because:
Mouki was shitting himself at the prospect of Qin6 GG Moubu facing these guys:
And I would like to remind you all that we received all of these enormous pieces of hype over the course of like, 10 chapters. Lol
Hara really went out of his fucking mind to hype Man’U’s strength. Sure he also hyped Sento’Un, GenU, and Juukou Ou as well, but I think we all knew who was the big recipient of the hype at Juukou.
Speaking of, let’s now dig in to Man’U vs Moubu since this is when we can actually see Man’U fight an opponent with quantifiable strength. First, two things:
1. Reminder that Man’U throttled Moubu with one arm and basically spared his life already
2. Reminder that Man’U is not fighting at the level he was expected to fight at.
Alright let’s do this.
Moubu is immediately overwhelmed by Man’U even after Moubu starts fighting seriously. Moubu gets his fair share of big blows in:
But Man’U has the immediate advantage. He is overwhelming Moubu more frequently and more severely than Moubu is overwhelming him. This continues:
With Moubu still holding his own:
But ultimately Man’U still has the upper hand.
Where again we continue to see that Man’U just has the advantage against Moubu outright.
Now ultimately Moubu does get his “revenge” on Man’U:
But this is how their fight ends:
And again, this is with Man’U not performing as is expected of him:
Which was reiterated again at the end of the battle:
This is why I say, anyone who is definitively convinced that Moubu is the strongest in China really needs to go reread Juukou because that arc was pure unadulterated Man’U and Sento Un hype.
“But Lee Ba Shou”, you are saying, “don’t you believe Shibashou > Man’U?” And while yes I am currently balls deep into Lord Sheeb’s hype:
It is seriously hard for me to picture him getting the same level of hype as Man’U. Unless Hara reveals that Shibashou was bodying Xiongnu Warlords in the past, I’m not sure if Shibashou can match Man’U’s insane hype.
@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @RayanOO @Rumble @Greenbeard @Dark Admiral @Jailer @Peroroncino @Monet @Topi Jerami @Shanks @Cichy @Bullet @mmd @Yo Tan Wa @𝓓𝓡 . 𝕋𝒆ñ𝐦𝐚 @Darkrai1381 @tcb @Pirao @Luffy is the mc @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Bepo @Daniel @Pot Goblin
Continuing our Kingdom break week, today we’re going to look at who I believe could legitimately prove to be the single strongest warrior in China. And it may not be who you’re thinking it is:

And that character is of course the former Lord of Juukou, Chu General Man’U.
Ohhhhh baby, this character knocked a lot of Moubu fans on their asses when he was introduced lol. People thought Moubu was about to mid diff this guy, and yeah I’ll toot my own horn and remind everyone that I knew this guy wasn’t about to go down easily. As soon as I saw “he’s even larger than Moubu” followed by this:

I knew we weren’t going to be seeing some ordinary brute in action. And indeed, although Juukou as a battle only lasted about 8 chapters, Hara went extremely hard on the Man’U hype.
Not only did Man’U not go down easily, but he of course gave us one of the most infamous moments in modern Kingdom:

As he throttled Moubu off of his horse with only one arm. Instead of killing Moubu, he chose to antagonize him and allowed him to get back on his horse:

The Qin soldiers even reacted with confusion as to why Man’U was provoking Moubu instead of just killing him. I mean can you just imagine the state of the Kingdom fandom if Man’U throttled Moubu off his horse with one arm and killed him immediately lmfao. And the scariest part?

Okay so let’s pause for a second. At this point, you may be asking yourself “what the fuck is happening?” This guy throttled Moubu with one arm, completely stopping the advance of the man who killed Kanmei, the self proclaimed “strongest in all of China”, and Man’U isn’t even doing half of what you expected him to do?
Let’s remind ourselves of the hype placed upon Man’U.

Man’U is the former Supreme Commander and Great General of the now destroyed state of Beki.
Beki could only survive for as long as it did because of Man’U himself, who repelled Chu time and time again:

Even after Beki was absorbed by Chu, Man’U wandered around aimlessly pulverizing Chu army after Chu army:

He was said to have defeated all of the Chu Generals of the Beki-Koku era. (?)

This is perhaps a good time to remind you all that the strength of the average Chu General is far, far beyond the strength of your average General of any other state. And Man’U was said to be rolling over Chu generals left and right.
And while Man’U never personally fought with Kanmei himself:

Man’U leads the legendary Juukou army, which produced victories against the likes of “Kanmei’s ilk”. And not only did Juukou defeat “Kanmei’s ilk”, but according to Juukou’Ou, “chased them down and slaughtered them.”
Now I’m going to use the Google Definition of the word “Ilk” here:
A type of people or things similar to those already referred to.
Now I don’t know why this particular word was used by the translators who translated Juukou, but if we were to assume this is an accurate translation, (I don’t see why not), then this literally means the Juukou gang was chasing down and slaughtering Kanmei’s peers. Which if nothing else, means the Juukou army under Man’U was defeating some incredibly strong opponents.
The other states even stopped attacking Juukou altogether because:

Mouki was shitting himself at the prospect of Qin6 GG Moubu facing these guys:

And I would like to remind you all that we received all of these enormous pieces of hype over the course of like, 10 chapters. Lol
Hara really went out of his fucking mind to hype Man’U’s strength. Sure he also hyped Sento’Un, GenU, and Juukou Ou as well, but I think we all knew who was the big recipient of the hype at Juukou.
Speaking of, let’s now dig in to Man’U vs Moubu since this is when we can actually see Man’U fight an opponent with quantifiable strength. First, two things:
1. Reminder that Man’U throttled Moubu with one arm and basically spared his life already
2. Reminder that Man’U is not fighting at the level he was expected to fight at.
Alright let’s do this.

Moubu is immediately overwhelmed by Man’U even after Moubu starts fighting seriously. Moubu gets his fair share of big blows in:

But Man’U has the immediate advantage. He is overwhelming Moubu more frequently and more severely than Moubu is overwhelming him. This continues:

With Moubu still holding his own:

But ultimately Man’U still has the upper hand.

Where again we continue to see that Man’U just has the advantage against Moubu outright.
Now ultimately Moubu does get his “revenge” on Man’U:

But this is how their fight ends:

And again, this is with Man’U not performing as is expected of him:

Which was reiterated again at the end of the battle:

This is why I say, anyone who is definitively convinced that Moubu is the strongest in China really needs to go reread Juukou because that arc was pure unadulterated Man’U and Sento Un hype.
“But Lee Ba Shou”, you are saying, “don’t you believe Shibashou > Man’U?” And while yes I am currently balls deep into Lord Sheeb’s hype:

It is seriously hard for me to picture him getting the same level of hype as Man’U. Unless Hara reveals that Shibashou was bodying Xiongnu Warlords in the past, I’m not sure if Shibashou can match Man’U’s insane hype.
@Owl Ki @Blackbeard @God Buggy @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @RayanOO @Rumble @Greenbeard @Dark Admiral @Jailer @Peroroncino @Monet @Topi Jerami @Shanks @Cichy @Bullet @mmd @Yo Tan Wa @𝓓𝓡 . 𝕋𝒆ñ𝐦𝐚 @Darkrai1381 @tcb @Pirao @Luffy is the mc @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Bepo @Daniel @Pot Goblin