[FNZ] Role Madness One Piece: Water 7/Enies Lobby

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Please drop the honorable act when you treated almost everyone in this game like garbage. That is true disgust there. You have no clue how many times I had to hold my tongue when you attacked specifically Ratchet, Mango and Ripped.


Lead them to paradise.
The Light at the end of the tunnel

@Zemmi / Spandam has been lynched


Godfather: You scan innocent to investigations.
Coward: You are X1 bulletproof.
Buster Call: make a night actionless. Except for the faction kill.
Den Den Mushi Message: Can send a message to a player.
Repair Box: Target a player and prevent the destruction of their abilities. X2.
You have a Janitor kill modifiter to your faction kill. X1.
With her death, nobody is left to oppose town and thus town wins!


This game's MVP is @Zemmi : She managed to fool almost everyone and almost singlehandledly won the game for her team through cunning and swiftness of thinking.

The honorable Mention is @Worst : Who had every single scum pegged at some point during the game, he shot Lord Melkor Night 1 and had tunneled Zemmi as scum the entire game. Figured Ekko was scum early on and then considered shooting Yoho the night of his demise. Overall almost impeccable game and wouldve been MVP had he remained alive and pursued those reads to their end.

Anyways, thanks for playing everyone and gg.

1- @Zemmi
2- @Pot Goblin - Kashii - Lynch Day 3
3- @Yoho
4- @Worst
5- @Naomi
6- @Red Night - Chopper - Lynched day 2
7- @Gambit - ??? - Died night 1
8- @Ratchet - Hattori - Lost duel day 2
9- @Lord Melkor
10- @Emil - Rob Lucci - Lynched day 1
11- @RippedCal
12- @Mr. Reloaded
13- @Ultra - Iceburg - Died night 1
14- @Udell
15- @Flower
16- @Kiku
17- @Polar Bear - Tilestone - Killed Night 3
18- @MangoSenpai - Sogeking - Killed Night 3
19- @Jaguark101
20- @Dr. Watson - Robin - Died night 2
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