One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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And others will say the same with the word "Sanji". It is just the same provocating and harassement etc. in every thread, in every discussion... It is funny from time to time, f.e. in the Chat or Spoiler waiting room, but we really dont Need to bend every Information about one Piece to These 2.

Just wanting to let you know, because some users already contacted me and other mods about this Zoro/Sanji-Stuff, and also i dont want any Twist or userwar inside here.

Hope you understand. :)
I agree, people should continue that on the Zoro vs Sanji thread tomorrow.
Anyway, what do you think about Roger and Garp protecting the Celestial Dragons?
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So kaido was cabin boy in rox crew just like shanks on roger crew this BM >>>> kaido:smithnie::cheers::blush:
You clearly forgot a cabin boy became WSC
And has highest active bounty
Only below dead WB and Roger.

Now I think of it
Kaido was yonko maybe for just 15 yeats or less
I bet he wasn't even Yonko 20 years ago when schooled wano samurais lol

Kaido and Shanks hype even tho being younger.
From cabin boys to being top 5 highest bounties in OP Worfl
One became WSC and the other has the strongest core (top 3)
Kaido is in 50s! Like Akainu Dragon


More like

Oda : *breathes*

It's pretty bad from both sides tbh. Instead of talking about the themes, characters, world building, art, comedy they literally twist any little piece of info to fight over Zoro and Sanji lol

OJ threads were hijacked by this shit all the time, maybe we can turn over a new leaf here? lol who am I kidding let the dumb wars commence :josad:


Lmao crayon eater
" Looking for someone who surpasses his rival Shanks"

It's a phrase that can only be used with current data which Oda clearly knows.

Shanks = Mihawk at min.

( plus so one can grow and the other no ? lol )

WB noted their fights as legendaries....try harder.
:gokulaugh: how can you say Mihawk = shanks
when he never fought yonko shanks
He was matched by shanks 12+ years ago

Mihawk is waiting for someone to surpass shanksnhe fought back then!!! So it means
Shanks 12yrd ago >Vista .

Warlords didn't grow!
The original warlord are written to be stagnant
They stay the same...they lost the will to grow stronger

So Mihawk currently >=Mihawk back then
While Yonko shanks >Shanks back then

Shanks was fighting Emperors and admirals
While Mihawk fighting fodders since then
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