Controversial One Piece is gross and creepy

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But bro Chopper is only like 15 or 17 here too you know
Again, the reason why people don't bath with kid older than 10 or 12 is because of puberty and the fact that the look of bodies changes during that period. Chopper has literally no interest for women's body, so why should it be a problem ? I wouldn't even be surprised if Nami takes bath with Luffy or Zoro sometimes.. We need to understand why boundaries exist in the first place.

Isnt Sanji literally getting a nosebleed to Yamato in this scene. What an L.
Who woudn't ? Yamato is a King/Queen
Again, the reason why people don't bath with kid older than 10 or 12 is because of puberty and the fact that the look of bodies changes during that period. Chopper has literally no interest for women's body, so why should it be a problem ? I wouldn't even be surprised if Nami takes bath with Luffy or Zoro sometimes.. We need to understand why boundaries exist in the first place.

Who woudn't ? Yamato is a King/Queen
Ok I'll ask you this question. If Ace were to bathe Tama whilst Naked simiarly to Robin and Nami. Would you be ok with it. Since again in your mind nudity /=/ sexualisation.
Momo was literally introduced in snow as scared and starving kid with post traumatic stress disorder... It would have been dumb not to let him have a relaxing time with a motherly figures that are Nami or Robin. Even I who is not hype on gender stereotype understand the importance of such moment for his character.
Well itams concerning that) that sensitive traumatic kid is a pervert that gropes women.. Like someone here said is this some Shota aaah references or what?

If you look into it there actually is a problem among early teens we're talking younger that 13 having beens sexually active.

And with pornograohy rife i doubt 8yr old pervert bathing with 2 women and gropes them is seen normally

That's kinda fucked up ngl
Ok ye i did word that quite disgustingly 🗿
But bro Chopper is only like 15 or 17 here too you know

He's looking at boobies

Again with blurred lines where Yamato is pretending to be a guy while showing off her chest with what most of us would consider minors around

Momonosuke is there and he looks shocked and very intrigued by the boobies

The Mono/Yamato stuff is super weird because she pretends to be Oden, too. *pukes*
That is a weird scene, but she's not doing it for any reason other than identifying as Oden.
She kind of has to be in the male shower
I thoàught I already replied to that:

I'm sure a lot of parent are bathing with their kids in the world out of necessity. I don't think I would do that, simply because its not in my culture, but I'm not a father so I don't really have a legitimacy in the matter.

Ok I'll ask you this question. If Ace were to bathe Tama whilst Naked simiarly to Robin and Nami. Would you be ok with it. Since again in your mind nudity /=/ sexualisation.
In my culture mothers bath kids or with kids so I would find it strange and weird but if it depicted in completely innocent way without any sexualization I don't see why there should be a problem. Maybe they should be more careful to keep boundaries in that case ? I don't know, again, I'm not a kid doctor. I'm only trying to make you understand that your culture is not necessaraly the world's culture on the matter and there are no good or bad sides here (at least on this subject, if we are talking about sexualization, that's another issue)

Well ita concerning that that sensitive traumatic kid isba pervert that gropes women.. Like someone here said is this some Shota aaah references or what?

If you look into it there actually is a problem among early teens we're talking younger that 13 having beens sexually active.

And with pornograohy rife i doubt 8yr old pervert bathing with 2 women and gropes them is seen natrual.
Then the problem is the pervert trope, its not the fact that its a kid.

Carrot fans wanna fuck the bunny.
That's why I don't like to call myself a Carrot fan. Some weird people are sexualizing Carrot indeed.
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