Controversial One Piece is gross and creepy

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When I invision Ace and Tama in a public bath together, I don't really see anything "immoral" going on.
I'm just imagining them laughing together. Ace boiling the water accidentally and Tama getting burnt with a funny face or something. idk.

I don't really understand why you find it so creepy, or what you're imagining. What kind of person do you think Ace is?
Bruh I acc cant. I guess the lengths you guys will go to normalize this shi isnt supprising. Whatever.
Its called double standards. The same people normalising this would cry if the opposite were to occur. You claiming what I said is absurd goes to show you think Ace bathing with Tama is creepy (which it is). However again you dont think the same for Robin.
It is double standards. Double standards that is widely accepted by the majority of the population because women are viewed "motherly figures". If a woman takes a bath, and brings a child along with them, people don't bat an eye. You'll never see someone call the cops, and it'll never make headline news. That's the reality of the World we live in.

My question to you though, is if it was just a matter of "women shouldn't be allowed to expose themselves to kids", then why were you guys grossly exaggerating the situation? I get misremembering things, but how do we go from, "Nami (fully clothed) picked up a crying Momonosuke, who then buried his face in her chest and made a pervy face at Sanji, Kinemon, and Brook", to "Nami took Momonosuke into the bath to get him aroused so she can take money from him?" Where did that disconnect come from?
Notice how only Brook, Sanji, and Kinémon gave a damn about them bathing together.
Because they're perverts, projecting their desires onto Momo.

The face Momo makes at them is not him being perverted. He's just saying "I won."

Even if he does find Nami and Robin "cute", it would make no difference if they were naked. He doesn't care. He's accusotmed to public baths.

That whole Oden thing left a gross taste in my mouth; not only the "brothel at 6" thing but the harem wars too.

Firstly he was 15, secondly, these were wives and their daughters.
The same chapter we see "wives and daughters" include little girls. Who just can't resist his chad energy.

Top it off with O-Toko being a "courtesan in training" and I was just cringed out by act 2.
Courtesan in training (along with Komurasaki's implied long tenure) got a pass from me at the time but only because I believed it was a tasteful way for Oda to darken the world without explicitly stating so. This was kind of shattered with Ginny being so explicit, and O-Toko continuing her training. It's a tonal thing that fucks with me about Wano, where there's spikes all over the place but no ones getting skewered. It seems to me that courtesans are basically just female host club employees.

When I think about it, the Harem Wars was the piece of Oden that made me hate the character. On top of the thoughtless implications Oda threw around with Oden and his harems ages, Oda also instantly turns the people of Wano into a joke. He literally cucked the vast majority of his country, then fought a war with their men- won, and presumably returned the wives and daughters? Talk about superficial marital vows... and painting women in general as flaky "i could do betters"....

The whole thing just put such a sour taste in my mouth.
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The funny part is, is somehow the argument is "Nami took a bath and exposed herself to Momo, and was trying to turn him on for money", when in reality, she never actually took a bath with Momo, nor did she ever expose herself to him.

Robin is the one who gave Momonosuke a bath, and Robin is considered the motherly figure of the Straw Hats.
I think they're talking about this scrapped joke.

Probably scrapped it because it's boring, or he thought it would be mis-interpreted. (or some other reason, I don't know him.)
It is double standards. Double standards that is widely accepted by the majority of the population because women are viewed "motherly figures". If a woman takes a bath, and brings a child along with them, people don't bat an eye. You'll never see someone call the cops, and it'll never make headline news. That's the reality of the World we live in.

My question to you though, is if it was just a matter of "women shouldn't be allowed to expose themselves to kids", then why were you guys grossly exaggerating the situation? I get misremembering things, but how do we go from, "Nami (fully clothed) picked up a crying Momonosuke, who then buried his face in her chest and made a pervy face at Sanji, Kinemon, and Brook", to "Nami took Momonosuke into the bath to get him aroused so she can take money from him?" Where did that disconnect come from?
Wow so every women in the world is a mother figure ? Including the p*do women that rape young kids... nice.

I would bat an eye if a woman was bathing with an 8 year old boy. Especially if thats not her child. You act as if 8 year olds are mindless drones. I wonder if you saw a strange woman taking a bath with your would you feel. Thank her because she's a "MoThEr FiGuRE". Like cmon bruh.

Idk I dont remember. If its Nami or Robin, who of them done it.
Wow so every women in the world is a mother figure ? Including the p*do women that rape young kids... nice.

I would bat an eye if a woman was bathing with an 8 year old boy. Especially if thats not her child. You act as if 8 year olds are mindless drones. I wonder if you saw a strange woman taking a bath with your would you feel. Thank her because she's a "MoThEr FiGuRE". Like cmon bruh.

Idk I dont remember. If its Nami or Robin, who of them done it.
How do you misconstrue what people say so effortlessly?
So I suppose you will militate for native south american people or Asian people or any other culture that does this, to stop doing this because you find this creepy ?
Would you let your friend get eaten by a cannibal tribe from the amazon rainforest because its part of their culture ?
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How do you misconstrue what people say so effortlessly?
What did I miscontrue ? Majority of the world would find an Adult Women bathing with a young boy thats not her son very very weird. You are defending this with your life because your favourite show is on the line.
I think they're talking about this scrapped joke.

Probably scrapped it because it's boring, or he thought it would be mis-interpreted. (or some other reason, I don't know him.)
A consort is just a wife, though, and it seems Nami was joking with her response.
Not saying it'd be cool if she actually married him, though, I'm just saying.
I feel that, if this actually happened, it would just be him having her as a maid or something, not as a concubine/prostitute.
Not to mention Nami seems to be kind of picky with her men/women. She actively refuses Sanji who's much older than Momo and also way more handsome and strong, for example.
So I feel that it's REALLY out of character for her to even think about doing that with a child, even if she gets a ton of money for it.
Oda just wouldn't do that shit unless he had a shotgun to his head or something.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
That's a mistranslation. The correct translation was that Oden started visiting the Pleasure Hall, which is another terminology for the Entertainment district, which houses more than just brothels. It's theaters, restaurants, gambling dens, Kabuki, Vocal music, festivals, Sumo events, etc... etc.... It's up to the readers imagination as to what he was doing there, and if they want to believe he was banging hookers at 6, well that's on them.
Wow this makes me feel so much better about that section.

I think it's also important to note that Oda could be trying to show WHY some things in Wano are problematic. Like, it's widely stated Oden is a fool of a lord, and he was; he was a playboy, and no one believed in him when it mattered most because he had lived like such a spoiled dumbass, treating women like sex objects and ignoring any responsibility.

Oden was a really shitty kid with a good heart, who eventually became a great, respectable man.

One Piece is a series full of flawed protagonists. Where do we draw the line? Zoro hunted people's lives for money. Nami stole from who knows how many people.

Usopp sold fake medicinal oil to people in Wano, a country full of diseases both curable and incurable, and this fooled poor Toko, who tried to use his medicine to save her dying father.

Franky recruited underage teenage girls to a criminal organization that fights pirates.

Robin helped start a civil war to try to murder one of the only good kings in the series.

People can change. Oden was a fucked up spoiled rich kid from royalty who did fucked up shit, got kicked out of his own capital city because of it, and learned from it and became better.

Doflamingo is more or less a confirmed rapist of Viola, Princess of Dressrosa, am I supposed to act like Doffy fans support sexual assault? Cause they don't.

At what point do you draw the line where you attack people over their problematic fictional content? South Park said it best.

"’ve made a distinction between what is okay to poke fun at and what isn’t. Either it’s all okay or none of it is"

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
A consort is just a wife, though, and it seems Nami was joking with her response.
Not saying it'd be cool if she actually married him, though, I'm just saying.
I feel that, if this actually happened, it would just be him having her as a maid or something, not as a concubine/prostitute.
Not to mention Nami seems to be kind of picky with her men/women. She actively refuses Sanji who's much older than Momo and also way more handsome and strong, for example.
So I feel that it's REALLY out of character for her to even think about doing that with a child, even if she gets a ton of money for it.
Oda just wouldn't do that shit unless he had a shotgun to his head or something.
I always read it as Nami was willing to lie about it and steal Momo's money because he's from wealthy royalty.

Besides, Nami and Luffy are meant for each other (brushes hands together after dousing thread with gasoline, then leaves)
Would you let your friend get eaten by a cannibal tribe from the amazon rainforest because its part of their culture ?
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What did I miscontrue ? Majority of the world would find an Adult Women bathing with a young boy thats not her son very very weird. You are defending this with your life because your favourite show is on the line.
You do misconstrue it, because I am talking about the general perception of women as a whole, and you want to talk about the minority of "pedo women", which are straight up treated like isolated incidences.

Have you ever walked out into public and simply by looking at a women you thought "yeah, she's definitely a pedo?" No, you haven't, and if you try to say yes you're a liar. But I guarantee you, you been in public and just by looking at a man you've thought, "He's definitely some kind of pedo."

That's the difference between how women and men are viewed, and if you think otherwise, you need to crawl yourself out of whatever rock you've been living under.
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