I'm mostly joking. But only mostly, because there is an argument here. You need to see Sport through a materialist and socialist lens to understand it.
Sport is a lot of things... but a fair model.
Indeed, sport resides on the very core principle of liberalism : Meritocracy. The entire base for sport is that you can surpass yourself through effort and work. And for those who know me and read the leftist library, you should know that I do not believe that meritocracy exist. Its a system of the past, an illusion that got us out of monarchism and feodalism but something that is actually the base for a much darker system: Capitalism.
And so sport is actually everything capitalism is:
- Through sport meritocracy applies and with it all its inherent inequalities
- Through sport there are monopolies of capitals in the ends of few
- Through sport figures of heroes appears
For those three reasons Sports are one of the starting point of what constitute fascism. But I'm being cheaky and trolly here, a lots of things constitute fascism so sport alone is not enough. But on the other hand, what sport is, is the right hand man of capitalism.
That's why sport might evolve in the future. We might have similar competitions, but we could also have very different ones as well, "competitions" toward more equity between participants where equity is a key factor or even... where the rules of the game are not to finish in first place.