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Who is the Final Villain?

  • Imu

  • Blackbeard

  • Sea God

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"Maybe there is a God of the sea which has been hinted throughout the story..."

Dude.... what the hell does everybody think Poseidon is? Do you remember Princess Shirahoshi? That's HER ability. She just doesn't know how to use it properly yet.

Let me explain - she wields The Voice of the Sea. The Entire Sea. That's why she's able to command Sea Kings.

Fishmen Karate is just a lesser form of the abilities that Poseidon is supposed to be capable of.

Shirahoshi can do things like make Water Spears and beams of water... she just hasn't done it yet. That's all.

Another Sea God would ONLY do the same things she should already be capable of doing.

The TRUE nature of Fishmen Karate is the ability to change the currents.

Changing the currents is probably how Poseidon was expected to be able to destroy the world.
1. The raising sea levels or however it is done
All blue is formed when all landmasses in One Piece become one piece again. One landmass, like Pangea, one ocean, the All Blue.
2. The final villain
Unclear as of now.
WG might fall before BB, after BB, through BB or simultaneously. I say it is too early to tell. Something else entirely is possible as well.
Another "new player"?
This theory is so left field and incoherent. I can not approve.
3. Where is this near-omnipotent villain all this time?
It does not exist.
This entire post reads like an acid fuelled trip.
Post automatically merged:

He isn't Trapped, He is already Ruling The Story
As for where He is? Let's just say that there are Three Ancient Kingdoms, not One
One was Destroyed (Just like Birka)
One was Lost (Just like Shandia)
One is Hidden/Isolated (Just like Skypiea)
Skypiea mirrors One Piece as a whole.
Birka was destroyed by Enel, who represents Imu.
Skypiea represents the people of the world who are under Imus control.
Shandia are the resistance. The pirates, the Revos and so on.
Enel planned to use a machine to bring Skypiea and Upper Yard down (to the sea in this case, not under it).
Roger to the the Bell (One Piece) first, but could not do anything about it. Luffy ultimately could.
Rubber Luffy is the chosen guy who can defeat god, just like Nika-Luffy is the chosen guy who can defeat Imu/WG/anti-god.
In the end he projects and image of Nika onto the sky for everyone to see.

Why try to make it more complicated than it needs to be?
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I don't like the idea of a hidden villain like in Naruto, where is the buildup? The relation, the tension, the feeling of a villain, I mean Wano for all its faults did make villains like Orochi so hateable.

A neutral monster with no villainous scheme does not feel like a FV for OP. You have all these arc villains like Arlong, Crocodile, Lucci, Enel, Doffy, Kaido who are evil, they rain misery on the general population and a sea god does not feel like that compared to Imu. But BBs buildup is something else.

Seeing how Gorosei have been introduced the way they have been in this arc I see them as the next direct fight instead of BBPs.


Kitetsu Wanker
Another "new player"?
This theory is so left field and incoherent. I can not approve.

It does not exist.
This entire post reads like an acid fuelled trip.
Have some faith in my FS, Travy...
Among the currently known possible villains, none of them feel right for the final villain.
Even among the mentioned gods from Skypiea, only Sun God is known so far.
3 more are left, minimum. 4 if we take "sea god" at face value.

I don't like the idea of a hidden villain like in Naruto, where is the buildup? The relation, the tension, the feeling of a villain,
Indeed, it can easily end up not satisfying if it is not done properly without build-up.
However, there are some subtle hints and mentions of the sea god.
Enel also said the Moon is a place worthy of a god.
While he meant himself, it could be a hint for this hidden final villain.
If he appears, all he needs to do is kill one of the powerful characters and tension and villain-feeling skyrocket...

But BBs buildup is something else
I agree that Blackbeard's build-up is by far the best.
That's why I like him as a character.
Seeing how Gorosei have been introduced the way they have been in this arc I see them as the next direct fight instead of BBPs.
This is something i don't see people talk about much.

Oda downright has Gorosei reveal all their powers in the span of an arc while he's hesitating to let Teach reveal anything beside his pre timeskip overused blackhole, that accompanied with Augur's drip against Saturn is a big stock rising for BBP.
This is something i don't see people talk about much.

Oda downright has Gorosei reveal all their powers in the span of an arc while he's hesitating to let Teach reveal anything beside his pre timeskip overused blackhole, that accompanied with Augur's drip against Saturn is a big stock rising for BBP.
Fatty thinks that shit ass crew gonna be sum big shots :suresure:
Main Villain is most often not the Focus of Story
Literally when Luffy went to Recruit Zoro, Villain was Helmeppo, He is the one who tried to Hurt that Girl & Imprisoned Zoro & took his Swords, and He was exploiting his Position & got Luffy Angry who Punched him, and ordered that Girl who tried to feed Zoro Dead ... etc
And then boom, say Hi to Axe-Hand Morgan

Oda did this again in Baratie as well, the Drama focused on Gin, but Actual Villain was Krieg
And again in Loguetown, Buggy was the one who wanted to Kill Luffy, but it's Smoker He had to worry about
And again in Whisky Peak, when suddenly Mr. 5 Appeared
And also in Skypiea, when They first got attacked by Wyper & Luffy didn't meet Enel until the End (After War was Over)
Usopp's Arc can also be similar, as it was Jango who was attacking the Island, but it was all for Kuro

In Jaya as well, it was after Bellamy's Plot that We got Introduced to Blackbeard as the actual strongest guy visiting Jaya
Same for Long Ring Long Land, most Arc against Foxy & then say Hi to Aokiji
And again in Water 7, it was mostly an Arc about facing Franky Family, but then we got that insane CP-9 Reveal

In Thriller Bark as well, it was Hogback's Home, He was in the middle of that Arc's Drama, but who was the Main Villain? It's the Sleeping Moria
In Sabaody too, it started with just trying to deal with Bandits & Auction House, then instantly turned into facing Kizaru & Co.
Even Marineford War with all Powerful Characters in it, it focused a lot on Akainu & He killed Ace, but then Blackbeard showed up to Kill WB
... etc

Oda didn't stop in Post-TS, SHs first encountered Vander Decken IX who is the one targeting Shirahoshi & was Wanted in Fishmen Island, but Main Villain ended up being Hody who stole their National Treasure, and again in Punk Hazard, it's literally Caesar's Arc, but didn't out of nowhere a much more Powerful Guy named Vergo show up?

Even in Dressrosa, it's True Fujitora wasn't Defeated, but it doesn't change the Fact that Oda created a Villain stronger than Doffy to share the Arc with him, and then again in Wano, most that Arc & it's Drama was about Orochi, He was the Helmeppo of that Arc, but Hyogoro summarized it when He said that Orochi never truly mattered as long as Kaidou isn't the one Killed. And look at Egghead, Oda still loves this idea of bringing Greater Villains both in middle of Arc & near it's End (And there are many other Examples i didn't mention or go into detail)

The Idea here is that One Piece have Two Main Villains
One who gonna absorb all the Drama & He is the one with a Grudge against Main Ally or Damsel In Distress Characters
He is The Evil Mastermind, and We gonna see the Dark Side of Story from his Perspective, and that's none other than Blackbeard

Blackbeard is World's Caesar or Jango or Gin or Helmeppo or Vander Decken IX or Wyper or Franky or Hogback or Foxy or Orochi ... etc
But Actual Final Villain is reserved for Final Saga to be Introduced, He is Kuro of Story, He is it's Enel, it's Moria, it's Krieg, it's Vergo, it's Kaidou

It's True He never appeared or was Part of a Sub-Plot, but his Existence has always been teased
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Im on board on everything beside the enel part.
I feel like if Enel was that important oda would have said to toei to adapt the cover story in the past 20 years
They'll just show it as flashback when enel returns EoS. It's pretty hard to adapt 30 panels into something worthwhile without either guessing a fuckload or revealing shit oda clearly doesn't want revealed