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I will never forgive Oda
It's worse. We've seen dinosaurs in OP. Mankind, at least the normal humans, are around for at least 40 thausand years.

Amazing how they were always peaceful and friendly with each other out at sea.
Given how every island we see has terrible people on it, I'm just... Baffled at this choice.

Oda really needed Ancient Luffy to be the first.

This is what happens when the manag goes on for 20+ years and you keep dragging arcs

I guess they didn't wanna be pirates since there was nothing much to earn or see?
But people become pirates for more than adventure, unless Oda wants to say that there weren't poor sailors who didn't realize they could hijack boats and improve their lives that way
The only logical answer I can come up with is that the OP world was Tatooine before 900 years ago and Joyboy invented water just to be a pirate.
I have a crack theory:
Joy Boy/the Ancient Kingdom created the Fishmen/Merfolk because they knew the world sink if they use the ancient weapons; they thought fuck it let the world sink and give our people some gills and shit to survive it :myman:
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