[FNZ] Super Role Madness Pokemon Chose your own starters

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If Luka is scum Flower looks better.

Flower was on Gad > Polar and voted Luka today when Polar was getting his second day wagon

Thought she looked town D1 and can still see it. But didn’t like her saying she wanted to quit today

Just like the last game on olf when I was a traditional invest, the thread dont lead to night moves.

If you play that way it just let's scum know where you might be going if you have a pr
Naomi continuing to like these posts after Sallu provided incriminating info

Time to put her on ignor again

Night 1 Ends

??? has attempted to kill ??? but failed

Psycho Cut was used on ???
Memento was used on ???
Inferno was used on ???, ??? and ???
V-create was used on ???
Extreme Speed was activated
Copycat was used on ???
Curse was used on ???
Night Slash was used on ???
Haze was used on ???
Disable was used on ???
Ally Switch was used on ???
Ember was used on ???
Sword of Ruin was used on ???
Thunder wave was used on ???
Mud Slap was used on ???
Counter was used on ???
Focus Punch was used on ???
Trop Kick was used on ???
Foresight was used on ???
Snowscape was used on ???
Headbutt was used on ???

Night 1 ends
Day 2 begins
You have 48 hours to discuss

i saw my ability show up again, so polar not lyning and it there in night 1 actions.
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