
Cope Doctor
We agree then. Go and get a job you freeloading commie. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
lmao. All you antisemite warmongers project into others . Im probably hardest working person on this forum. With my own business I understand politics much better than most of you as law changes effect me directly
lmao. All you antisemite warmongers project into others . Im probably hardest working person on this forum. With my own business I understand politics much better than most of you as law changes effect me directly
Be fr tho, if you’re gonna troll when it comes to Israel and shit at least have the courtesy of doing it to someone new to the forum. I’m aware of your actual opinion.


Cope Doctor
Be fr tho, if you’re gonna troll when it comes to Israel and shit at least have the courtesy of doing it to someone new to the forum. I’m aware of your actual opinion.
You only aware of opinion that you formed. You have zero clue. I simply love to study history. Reading mein kampf doesnt make one jew hating nazi, and I recoment for you to read aswell


Cope Doctor
I am genuinely curious. I’m aware I’ve fallen for your bait in the past, why even try it at this point? Don’t you have work to do?
No point for me to bait you now. I heard biden stoped suply of some heavy weapons now to israel, too little too late I guess , israel will finish hamas with or without them now anyways
@Natalija I expect this lack of empathy from this mf right here. But there’s no way that after what Israel has done, and what it’s planning to do going into Rafah, that anyone in good faith could possibly justify this massacre. You guys just don’t consider Palestinians to be actual human beings. Shame on you!
This is why I stopped posting here
you guys trolling and getting to personal levels for no reason lmao
This is why I stopped posting here
you guys trolling and getting to personal levels for no reason lmao
I'm not trolling, you simply lack the empathy to see those who've you oppressed for decades as fellow human beings. I know it's easier to look the other way and pretend this is justified for x,y or z. But in the end, genocide is genocide, no matter who is perpetrating it and who's the victim. Shame on you. You of all people should know better
It's not very complex, history dabbles with using other sciences, but in itself it offers no conclusions other than noting past events. Historians are not considered scientists, and neither of them will call themselves that.
History asks archeologists and sociologists wtf happened, then just write down whatever the century archeologists determined, ergo they didn't really determine anything on their own.
😂😂😂😂 You're killing me kitty😂😂you want a talk with my university history lecturers?!


Cope Doctor
This is a powerscaling forum so everything is gauged by how quick and in what numbers (compared to other feats) it is done

Call a spade a spade - Israel is genociding the Palestinians and the mass graves they're finding rn are just one piece of evidence
Russians seem fodders now compared to israel . By civilian death feat
@Natalija I expect this lack of empathy from this mf right here. But there’s no way that after what Israel has done, and what it’s planning to do going into Rafah, that anyone in good faith could possibly justify this massacre. You guys just don’t consider Palestinians to be actual human beings. Shame on you!
I don't know why you're mentioning me here throwing idiotic accusations, I liked a comment about losing braincells