One Piece Chapter 1114: “The Wings of Icarus”

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Egghead pacing has driven me insane.How on earth was this lasted 54 chapters? Vegapunk could have dropped 5 times more lore in the last 5 chapters but instead the his monologue is filled with pointless generic stuff that we pretty much know already.
Because in those last 54 chapters we got:
Blackbeard pirates act on Egghead
Introduction of the seraphim
Law vs Blackbeard
Kid vs Shanks
Garp invading Hachinosu
Blackbeard attacking Amazon Lily
What happened during the reverie
Straw hats vs gorosei and marines
Lore drops
Kizaru character progression

For context Act 1 of Wano which had nothing was about 26 chapters… so eggheads pacing is great
Good chapter with some of great lore, but Oda's stalling is becoming unbearable. Vegapunk is kind of just beating around the bush with a lot of stuff we already know. The whole chapter should have just been lore, but 60% of it came down to character reactions. Like we get it Oda the world is listening to Vegapunk, stop wasting panels especially when you take a break every week.

Anyway, the arc itself has been a homerun. With the Gorosei being as irate as they are at this point, I'm expecting some major world ramifications at the end of the arc. Luffy being JoyBoy and Nika pretty much being the first pirate makes Luffy the main character x3. Like all the conversation anywhere and everywhere will be about Luffy now. More than it already was.
I’m not surprised that Joy Boy was the first pirate in history!

Magellan and Doflamingo will bust out of Impel Down and join the final war!

The Fishmen really don’t need to worry about the world flooding.

I wonder when Joy Boy’s flashback will start?
Because in those last 54 chapters we got:
Blackbeard pirates act on Egghead
Introduction of the seraphim
Law vs Blackbeard
Kid vs Shanks
Garp invading Hachinosu
Blackbeard attacking Amazon Lily
What happened during the reverie
Straw hats vs gorosei and marines
Lore drops
Kizaru character progression

For context Act 1 of Wano which had nothing was about 26 chapters… so eggheads pacing is great
Half of the things you mentioned happened at the start of egghead arc in the span of 5 chapters.Then the remaining half happened in the span of the remaining 50 chapters.An obvious massive drop in pacing and very poor choice of prolonging Vegapunk's monologue and the entire broadcasting situation way longer than it needs to be.
Half of the things you mentioned happened at the start of egghead arc in the span of 5 chapters.Then the remaining half happened in the span of the remaining 50 chapters.An obvious massive drop in pacing and very poor choice of prolonging Vegapunk's monologue and the entire broadcasting situation way longer than it needs to be.
Vegapunks monologue just started 5 chapters ago and Oda needed to spend time to bring the gorosei here and establish their abilities.

Calling this bad pacing is wild when it’s way quicker than a lot of odas arcs have been lately.
That doesn’t mean there two separate people .
Yes it does imo.
One was killed and transformed in a DF.
The Other ate the DF.
Anywayw we both have to suffer of Loda pacing and breaks to know for sure lol
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I’m not surprised that Joy Boy was the first pirate in history!

Magellan and Doflamingo will bust out of Impel Down and join the final war!

The Fishmen really don’t need to worry about the world flooding.

I wonder when Joy Boy’s flashback will start?
Magellan is a good Char.
Magellan for Nakama
Since another break is on the horizon I would like to share my thoughts for this chapter and a couple of things about the previous ones.

First of all, the last two chapter were the worst possible chapters to have so many breaks in between since the pace is dreadful... Even if Oda had combined them to one 25 page chapter, there would still be barely any progress. We mostly got reactions around the world and Vegapunk explaining things so. very. slowly. that even if the elders couldn't teleport, they could have arrived on egghead by foot and still have time for tea... At least that's how the pace felt...

What I absolutely hated was Luffy going to G5 AGAIN! Right after he dropped out of it due to exhaustion. What is the point of a limit in a time limited transformation if he can just jump right back to it by eating any food he finds around. Why not keep him in G5 until he doesn't need him to be anymore. I get that the first time the Kuma flashback had to happen so Luffy couldn't be in his unbeatable form, but there is no excuse for the next time it happened. Like his fight with Kaido, the first time he dropped out of G5 after a few minutes it was so we can understand that there is a limit to this form and that Luffy can get back to it on his own and then stayed in G5 for the rest of the fight, even though he was already more exhausted than he ever was in his life, and after that he spent a week sleeping. I just don't like Luffy living in G5. It's a cool transformation and I enjoy G5 fights but Luffy has so many cool moves nad it feels like we ll never see them again. I got so excited when I saw the Red Roc again! Then it was over in an instant and we went back to G5.

What I found interesting was the mother flame and more specifically the shape of it which looked exactly like the flames on the back of Lunarians/Seraphims. I started thinking whether the lunarians are not human beings but technological creations of the past, like the serafims are now, that are using the mother flame as power source. We ve seen that the people who lived on the moon were building androids during Enel's space travel story. Maybe that was foreshadowing for the Lunarians.

Finally, regarding the power levels of Vice admirals and the complains about Franky conviniently fighting and one shotting a hakiless vice admiral. Well I am kind of Ok with that. It's like saying the 4 emperors are equally powerful in everything, but I bet if Franky one shots Buggy non of you will complain, even though he is an emperor. My point is that we ve seen that not all marines of the same rank are equal. Even CP9, when the strawhats fought them it was clear that their power level varied, with Luccy being overwhelmingly more powerful than the rest even thouigh they are on the same rank. I believe only the admiral rank requires a marine to have maxed all their stats before becoming one and this is why there are so many vice admirals but always only 3 admirals. Someone could have become a vice admiral because of their leadership skills, or their skills as strategists and not necessary because they are strong. Finally, we know that there are levels to haki protection so even if a vice admiral with a relatively weak haki was fighting someone like Franky, his haki defense wouldn't be enough. Remember during Luffy's fight against the snake sisters. They were defending using haki but Luffy could still push them back with use of overwhelming power and Franky is definitely not weak.
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I wonder if Donquixote Doflamingo ends up having a pivotal role in the endgame. I don’t think Oda teased going “higher up” to the Celestial Dragon occupied Mareijois to escape the rising seas for no reason.
Vegapunks second sin - researching a taboo time period - musts surely be a reference to WW2? Specifically the ban on researching the holocaust, punishable by prison in many countries. More commonly known as Holocaust Denial if someone strays from the common truth and presents new or different views.
I wonder if Donquixote Doflamingo ends up having a pivotal role in the endgame. I don’t think Oda teased going “higher up” to the Celestial Dragon occupied Mareijois to escape the rising seas for no reason.
He's new world Croc. Dofy and Moon Hair will be the wings of Imu