Current Events New Marineford was Built to Avoid Global Flooding

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Look at the ship compared to the docking area/cliffs; the New Marineford is high up enough that it would take severe flooding or tsunamis for it to be affected.

New Marineford was clearly built for the sake of avoiding any water level rise.

I wonder if many Marines will make the connection?

Especially if Vegapunk was involved in its construction.

"Hey guys, I built New Marineford so you all wouldn't drown, thanks for killing me, appreciate it" - Vegapunk, probably

Fun with flooding :kriwhat:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Look at the ship compared to the docking area/cliffs; the New Marineford is high up enough that it would take severe flooding or tsunamis for it to be affected.

New Marineford was clearly built for the sake of avoiding any water level rise.

I wonder if many Marines will make the connection?

Especially if Vegapunk was involved in its construction.

"Hey guys, I built New Marineford so you all wouldn't drown, thanks for killing me, appreciate it" - Vegapunk, probably

Fun with flooding :kriwhat:
Are you measuring the highest altitude of MJ to say it won't be flooded? Lol

You have to take altitude of its base from the sea level and it looks like it can't take 5m rise in sea level.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Are you measuring the highest altitude of MJ to say it won't be flooded? Lol

You have to take altitude of its base from the sea level and it looks like it can't take 5m rise in sea level.
Nah, look at the ships in the water, then compare them to the land.

It would take way more than 5m rise to sink this, the cliffs are at least half as tall as the ships, and in some places a lot higher. Those are Marine Battleships, you can tell because they have 6 cannons on each side and 4 masts.

While standard Marine ships are average in size, a variant exists that is much larger, known as the Battleship (軍艦, Gunkan?).[1] This ship type is the mainstay of the Marines in the Grand Line, and it is also the one used during a Buster Call. Battleships are larger than a normal-sized giant and roughly the size of the super giant Oars Jr., making the ship class among the largest in the world. These ships are used by higher-ranking Marines, such as Admirals and Vice Admirals.

Battleships have four masts, two with two sails and two with one. Like Standard ships, they have a circular superstructure from which one of the main masts emerges from, but theirs has another level. Another rectangular superstructure is affixed to the stern, which is topped by a tan tower. They have three distinctive triple-barreled guns on their front and sides, which are powerful enough to completely destroy smaller vessels and even obliterate an entire island, though only in groups. In addition to these guns, battleships possess two sets of six large cannons on both sides of their hulls.

"Battleships are larger than a normal-sized giant and roughly the size of the super giant Oars Jr".

These things are MASSIVE, New Marineford's shore is way above sea level. Looks like it was built to withstand tsunamis as well.
Nah it can definitely take a 5m rise, these battleships are massive
Look at the size of these things

Yo I forgot they were that big

Holy crap

Massive Chonkers

CoC: Color of Clowns

Supreme Grade Peacock Slashers
Nope, the navy didn't knew about the flooding
Oh crap I explained this horribly.

I meant that Vegapunk/WG were the ones who constructed the New Marineford to protect the Marines, not the Marines themselves.

We know from the Encircling Wall Whitebeard couldn't break though that Vegapunk had no problem also modifying/building Marine bases.

I think Vegapunk did Sakazuki a solid.