Bullying and The Fact Bullies Choose Easy Targets


Bullying and The Fact Bullies Choose Easy Targets
I think the core of the Sanji problem has to do with the fact that many people on here are actually bullies (without question), and they go to great lengths to find particularly easy targets to bully. Now, it's NOT Sanji himself that these people are trying to bully - it's the Sanji fans. They believe because Sanji is an easy target that the fans Sanji has are also easy targets.

Now... why don't they choose more difficult targets? It's because they're cowards. They're trying to feel good about mocking an easy target and if the target isn't easy, then they give up and stop trying because they have no real intention of trying to argue with anybody who can argue back. This leads to them creating things like Straw Man arguments, Non Sequiturs, and so on.

The way to defend against people who behave like that is to learn how to make better reasoning than they do. Learn about logical fallacies, and when someone is trying to convince you of something that is untrue you will be able to defend yourself instead of fall victim to the trap they made for you.

My advice: Just don't interact with anybody who seems aggressive on here. Whatever is going on with that person - just leave them alone, and don't get caught up in their bullshit. It's like fighting with a pig - in the end, the pig will win, and even worse he will actually enjoy the fight. Don't fight with pigs.

“Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

― George Bernard Shaw
looks like the pig won, i am the pig.

Bullying and The Fact Bullies Choose Easy Targets
I think the core of the Sanji problem has to do with the fact that many people on here are actually bullies (without question), and they go to great lengths to find particularly easy targets to bully. Now, it's NOT Sanji himself that these people are trying to bully - it's the Sanji fans. They believe because Sanji is an easy target that the fans Sanji has are also easy targets.

Now... why don't they choose more difficult targets? It's because they're cowards. They're trying to feel good about mocking an easy target and if the target isn't easy, then they give up and stop trying because they have no real intention of trying to argue with anybody who can argue back. This leads to them creating things like Straw Man arguments, Non Sequiturs, and so on.

The way to defend against people who behave like that is to learn how to make better reasoning than they do. Learn about logical fallacies, and when someone is trying to convince you of something that is untrue you will be able to defend yourself instead of fall victim to the trap they made for you.

My advice: Just don't interact with anybody who seems aggressive on here. Whatever is going on with that person - just leave them alone, and don't get caught up in their bullshit. It's like fighting with a pig - in the end, the pig will win, and even worse he will actually enjoy the fight. Don't fight with pigs.

“Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

― George Bernard Shaw
Just be a pig it’s not that deep
It only an issue when it becomes personal but yeah Sanji is a trash character, not his fans.

Meanwhile Zoro is a good character while his fandom is trash. The only Fandom that attacks other Fandom and are over sensitive and Zoro can't do no wrong cult like.

From personal experience on his website.
Bullying and The Fact Bullies Choose Easy Targets
I think the core of the Sanji problem has to do with the fact that many people on here are actually bullies (without question), and they go to great lengths to find particularly easy targets to bully. Now, it's NOT Sanji himself that these people are trying to bully - it's the Sanji fans. They believe because Sanji is an easy target that the fans Sanji has are also easy targets.

Now... why don't they choose more difficult targets? It's because they're cowards. They're trying to feel good about mocking an easy target and if the target isn't easy, then they give up and stop trying because they have no real intention of trying to argue with anybody who can argue back. This leads to them creating things like Straw Man arguments, Non Sequiturs, and so on.

The way to defend against people who behave like that is to learn how to make better reasoning than they do. Learn about logical fallacies, and when someone is trying to convince you of something that is untrue you will be able to defend yourself instead of fall victim to the trap they made for you.

My advice: Just don't interact with anybody who seems aggressive on here. Whatever is going on with that person - just leave them alone, and don't get caught up in their bullshit. It's like fighting with a pig - in the end, the pig will win, and even worse he will actually enjoy the fight. Don't fight with pigs.

“Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

― George Bernard Shaw
Yeah, I have made bullies of WG cry real tears. One of their mums sent me an email threatening me action if I made their kid cry again. Tell me anyone tries to bully you, I'll make their mum write me an email.