What Marines know about the Ancient Weapons?

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So the broadcast and reactions will end in maximum three chapters and we will then get some gorosei fights before the escape.

Next time the strawhats will meet toptiers the vilains will look far less threatening than now
What does that link says? I can't open it
Literally nothing lmao

No fucking new info AT ALL

The chapter begins with more reactions from people about the war Vegapunk talks about. People wonder how that war is going to continue if its participants are no longer alive for 800 years.
Imu looks at a painting of a woman who looks a lot like Vivi.
In Arabasta, we see more reactions to the poster announcing that Princess Vivi is wanted/missing.
Vegapunk says that a portion of the Mother Flame was stolen from him and used as fuel for one of the Ancestral Weapons.
Edision and Stussy argue.
York is surprised to learn that Stussy knows about the Mother Flame theft. She also realizes where Vegapunk has hidden the Den Den Mushi and calls the Five Elders.
Vegapunk says there are many mysteries regarding the void century and there are one group who discovered it all but they didn't act : The Pirate King and his crew.
In Sabaody, we see Shakky's rip-off bar. Rayleigh is drunk and says : "I'm just an old man now and old people liek Vegapunk shouldn't ruin the young fun... right Roger?"
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