Personally doubt its ending at all that quickly lol. Again, the last 2 acts ended with a timeskip, it makes no sense for Act 3 to just end mid confrontation
Act 3
80 chapters into wano and king is just as uninteresting as ever

Oda really needs to do something cool with him. Getting beat by zoro or marco isn't impressive

Oda really needs to do something cool with him. Getting beat by zoro or marco isn't impressive
King is basically so relevant, he isn't even included as important key figure for Kaido plans.
Oda needed to reintroduced him 3x
Jack at least had an arc.
King basically has no arc, no act centered around him, he's Uninteresting, even Smoothie was being seen once a while... King in 60+ chapters, has barely been involved in the plot but people bash Smoothie.
Zou - Jack
Act 2 in Udon and act 3 fire festival MC : Queen
Act 3 focuses on Yamato