Theory WONDERLAND - Carrot's journey might be linked to the DAWN of the WORLD!!


Carrot is a useless fodder who can't even beat Perospero 2 v 1.

Minks are fucked if they get attacked now Inu and Neko were the only 2 worth a damn.

Trashot sucks
The other dog big titty one sucks
The Muskafodders sucks
Pedo Goat doctor mink is trash
Carrot is just as "special" as the likes of Wyper, Kyros, Pell, Paulie, Kin'emon, Fukaboshi and Margueritte during the final war...
None of those character is as well written as Carrot or has a similar place in the realm of character archetypes.

No, really, Carrot is a special case. You should not underestimate her story.