Spoiler One Piece Chapter 985 Spoilers Discussion

Will Yamato Chan join the Straw Hats

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I was expecting Zoro to do the job so he can become a Shogun of Wano instead:josad::pepecry:Well RIP Zoro vs Orochi:pepemotion:
Lol let's be real the only reason people wanted Zoro to fight Orochi is so they could clown him after the arc and say he wasn't as strong as people believed.

Kaido is out here doing justice for the masses. The real hero of one piece

Formerly Seth

How ironic that Orochi who is so cautious about the return of the scabbards and open rebellions against him is completely blind to possible betrayals from his own followers and allies despite having done the same thing to Yasuie and the Kozuki Family.
This is what I've been saying since yesterday.
So poetic by Oda.

Let's just hope Kaido punched him really hard.
It's been a week since the Reverie ended, right?

So what Blackbeard was aiming at and what as published in the newspaper has to be Pluton which is located somewhere in Alabasta.

Maybe that's why Kaidou and Big mom are also planning to get some ancient weapons.

Everything Morgans reported was 100% the truth this time, so the Government either wanted to cover up the location of Pluton or who killed Cobra, but the first makes more sense to me.

Formerly Seth

Which could very possibly happen, so prepare yourself.
The real question would be if she is still the same crazy and cruel woman she is currently or if she reverted back to her older and kinder self.
There are theories floating around about her face turn and Chopper curing her of Hunger Pangs but I don't want this shit to happen.

Let Katakuri transform BMP into Charlotte Pirates already.
Yeah, Big Mom story should end here on Wano.

I will throw up if I see her alive on Elbaf:chopoff:
Not even that. But the betrayal crap is getting redundant, dont need another betrayal moment from BM when we already had it with the Germa 66.

If anything this should be ride or die situation for BM with Kaido. Invested fully into world takeover with Kaido. Both made it clear they plan on settling their difference after world takeover. Her turning sides against him or abandoning him when shit hits the fan is a bitch move to the max.


I mean after the fight with Pica I wouldn't be surprised if Zoro fans wank Orochi to Yonko level lol.
Orochi is a fodder, I'm sure even Zoro fans would agree after a nerfed Zoro almost one shotted Orochi until Kyoshiro interfered.

Plus who would wanna hype up Orochi, he is a little slimeball. Zoro will one day solo defeat a Yonko level opponent and that man's name is Dracule Mihawk. Until that day, we must remain patient!
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