Questions & Mysteries Do you think Ju Peter is actually trying to save the Cipher Pol Agents?

In the latest chapter we see Ju Peter sucking up the Cipher Pol Agents into his mouth, now I'm on the belief that he is eating them.

However I've seen some say that he is actually saving them, which is weird because from what we have seen so far, the Gorosei don't care about anyone that is below them.

I also want to add that in the same chapter, York wondered how Vegapunk knew about a fragment of the Mother Flame being stolen, as well as knowing about Lulusia, Vegapunk somehow knew about the Government’s plan as well as their mission to kill him.

There is this theory about Ju Peter maybe being a traitor among the Gorosei, if Ju Peter is actually saving the Cipher Pol Agents, do you think he could really be a traitor that will betray Imu and the other Gorosei?

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@Lee Ba Shou @TheKnightOfTheSea @Cross_Marian @Owl Ki @GUI VI @Mr. Reloaded @AverageNamiEnjoyer @AkainuTheGrimReaper @DarkWitch @Jackteo @OnePiss @PeronaNerona @Hyde @Apollo @Warchief Sanji D Goat
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Well I don’t think he’s saving them. I considered that but I don’t think so. The only ones he would actually save are the Seraphim. We saw from Mars and Saturn that the Gorosei think of humans as insects. Mars even said he didn’t care if he actually killed Kaku who is a CP-0 agent.

As for their being a traitor among Gorosei, I wouldn’t like this. The Gorosei are a monolithic group who can communicate with each other’s thoughts. I don’t think one of them being a traitor would make any sense narratively or symbolically. They are supposed to be a united front in their support for the WG and the Celestial Dragons.

I think what we saw is Ju Peter trying to eat Nika, and not caring which CP fodder die in that process.
Good guy Ju Peter slack off on purpose under gorosei watch .
Bascially he would try to eat people and split other to safety while gorosei are not watching .

He is force to fight luffy because gorosei are watching . He took long time to Regan as he play the dead .
I mean there's more sufficient way to save them right? It's not like they are in any dangerous situations either
Bro got clowned by Nika and the Giants so bad that he had to vent on some fodders :gosecon:
Feels bad for the fanbase of whom is gonna fight this worm :cryabit:
I mean there's more sufficient way to save them right? It's not like they are in any dangerous situations either
Bro got clowned by Nika and the Giants so bad that he had to vent on some fodders :gosecon:
Feels bad for the fanbase of whom is gonna fight this worm :cryabit:
Usopp fan base got this! The almight Ms. Merry Christmas rematch they’ve been waiting for

Foul Legacy

Naah Bro is simply consuming everything in his way 💀.
With hope of getting the legendary drop of Broadcasting Den Den Mushi.
He’s killing them

the gorosei said they were willing to kill all life on the island to try to stop the broadcast. He’s probably using his powers indiscriminately in the hopes that he’ll destroy the den den mushi by chance.