[FNZ] Role Madness Castlevania : What is a Man? - Game Thread

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End of Day 3

The battle rages without any sign of slowing. The forces of good and evil are deadlocked. But what is essential to know is, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
With a majority reached, No one has been lynched.

It is now Night 3.
You have 24 hours from this post to submit night actions.
Night 3

The battle was simply too much. Richter is truly a monster beyond monsters. Without a better strategy, I cannot win. The best I can do is withdraw for now. Maybe next time, I will be able to free him from whatever control he is under. Maybe after a rest, I will be able to regroup my stamina...

Alucard has ended combat with Richter in a draw. No results.

Did I not hunt the night? Yes, I am Lord of this Castle. But the beings of these Castles are my prey. I will treat them as such. The voice in my head screams to stay in the keep, but I cannot hunt from just the throne. Oh? What have we here, the visage of Death himself sulking around? I watch him finish off a spent weapon. The bloodlust takes over, and I do the same to him.

@Kiku , (Agunea subweapon / One-shot Lightning Rod) has been killed!
@Ratchet , (Death / A Mafia Suicide Bomber Bodyguard) has been crushed! (Killed)

Day 4 begins.
With 06 alive it is 4 to lynch!
@Yo Tan Wa
@Red Night
@Random Asshole
Either you're lying, or Michelle is the SK here.
Though after last day phase, i was sure she has to be Town.

The frustration that she couldn't get Ratchet lynched was genuine. If she was Mafia, she'd get her scummates vote easily on Ratchet.
Either you're lying, or Michelle is the SK here.
Though after last day phase, i was sure she has to be Town.

The frustration that she couldn't get Ratchet lynched was genuine. If she was Mafia, she'd get her scummates vote easily on Ratchet.
She is the SK. She was just desperate, but Michelle as Town would have known that No Lynching was the correct move here and didn't.

With a Ratchet lynch previous day, the SK would have focused on Town at night and scum would have killed Town, too. So that's 2 Town lives lost instead of one as we got now.
No Ratchet wouldn't be Mafia.

Reading just one of my posts, it'd have been clear as day. But no.

I hope I don't post in this thread once this game is over, i don't want to be rude with whoever the rest Townies are at this point in the game.
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