General & Others Which do you think are the worst kind of One Piece readers?

The ones who hate read/hate just for the sake of hating

The ones who praise Oda 24/7 and think his writing is always perfect

The character or group extremists(Those who only care about a specific character or group and nothing else)

The Zoro and Sanji fans who are always at war with each other

The Shippers

The ones who only care about power level and nothing else

The ones who will never accept being wrong(Whether it's power level or a theory)

The ones who are obsessed with hating a specific character or group all the time

I think that should be it, so yeah which do you think are the worst kind of One Piece readers?:pepapoo:
One piece extremist who exhibits a narrow focus on a limited number of characters within a narrative, while disregarding the broader context and significance of the overall story.

Slow chapters have to happen, recaps and reactions to the broader story at play have to happen. But noo people need to have their action..action
And their favorite character be a badass for them 24/7 to be happy are sooo annoying..
Speedreading fairies. People that read it as fast as they can just do that they can get clout talking about this "wOnDeRfUl" series.

Most nu"fans" who are genuinely unable to like harmless sex humor, this is series geared towards teens. If you're talking seriously about wanting to remove certain scenes about suggestive stuff or gags or how those scenes "weren't well handled", than mostly it's just YOURSELF being unable to like this stuff(and hardly anyone said anything about them until 2020 rolled in, so yeah).

Their favorite strong character not doing what they want in a chapter (like zoro, sanji, admirals, the ones you know). This ain't a sport. People are still dumb for doing this.

Fans who try to say that oda is groundbreaking cause he took influences from other cultures and semi-incorporates them in the story. Who overeggerate how he handled them in the story. It's about conveyance and if the plot is interesting in some of them, which oda has missed the mark a number of times with(alabasta, skypiea, amazon lily, Dressrosa, wano).

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The ones who take fiction/fictional characters way too seriously; Grumpy lil kids who'll throw real tantrums bcz someone said something about their fave character.

Not trolls but really upset readers telling others you're a faggot/whore/incel bcz of some fictional character? Lol like calm down, taking anything serious to such an extent is pathetic.