Don’t mind sangoro, his turn will come later
>Bonney lands a harmless attack on gorosei
>Gorosei expresses his nonchalant they are about said harmless attack
>instantly regenerates from the fake damaji
>dispatches the fodder
As promised, sangoro
>lands an attack
>gorosei instantly regenerates the fake damaji
>dispatches fodder (quite literally ate him up and spat him out, Frank Sinatra style)
In fact his mind was somewhere else completely, couldn’t care less about the insects
No fake damaji needed. We go haki for haki with the source of all the “preposterous haki” and blow motherfuckers away
@nik87 @Aknolagon @HA001 @Marimo_420 @Guymieux @Fleet Leader Fenaker @ZoroMazino @Monster Zoro's Tesla Supplier @Artem