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The End and the Beginning
false there was actually about 3-4 votes on you to start the cycle, i was simply the first, Ults vote was like the 4th one
Yeah there was you, Crowned Witch (whose vote I'd missed at the time I made my comment, which you can see me correct when I find out later) and Ultra. In any case, it's all the same - his support of the wagon doesn't make much sense.


The End and the Beginning
Could this be a fake writeup or genuine lie detect? But pretty useless if the post detected is not even referenced.
The fact it comes from scum, and is coloured as scum, should be enough to dismiss it Melkor. But there are lots of ways to spoof a lie detect, such as if Worst says "I'm an evil overlord", that would come up as a lie (I hope) but with the post not being referenced it means nothing. Even if it is, the fact it comes from scum would be enough to cast doubt upon it imo. I think it's probably genuine, but used as a way to frame the player rather than anything else.
The fact it comes from scum, and is coloured as scum, should be enough to dismiss it Melkor. But there are lots of ways to spoof a lie detect, such as if Worst says "I'm an evil overlord", that would come up as a lie (I hope) but with the post not being referenced it means nothing. Even if it is, the fact it comes from scum would be enough to cast doubt upon it imo. I think it's probably genuine, but used as a way to frame the player rather than anything else.


The End and the Beginning
Did you miss the " worst was lying incident " ?
No, but thinking about the context for about 1 second should be enough to not actually follow through with it. Luka is not ignorant, and it's notblile he doesn't understand these things. He's a smart guy. He just so happens to love pretending otherwise as scum.


Custom title
Yes, do not do it this way. People will catch later anyway.
Well if Ariess went to sleep i'm sure actions started to pile up so it would be hard to prove it without pointing at the Write up anyway now lol

but i'll tell you the result of the actions and the person i targetted will confirm what i say

But after that they'll be gunning for me
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