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I'm settled in, I'll be here for awhile.

My apostrophe key is barely working and it's driving me nuts
an excuse given. apparently was here for a while without the ability to properly communicate (this is part of the pattern i saw). the issue with this excuse is it would do just fine with the explanation of their keyboard wigging out on them and continue typing regardless. comes across as a convenient reason for why CoC didn't engage with the thread.
Crowned Witch has given me some suspicious vibes

Normally I'd suspect people accusing me on some level, but, they've only done it because I'm bad, so.

As this point Boa is the only person I'm totally wary of
shade against crowned and boa here. feels like they're simply echoing the sentiments on boa's play.
Yeah, Worst randomly supporting Boa makes me think Scum.

At the least Worst has some kind of agenda here, the question is what.
really not a good look here
I changed my Vote to Emil, but forgot to unvote you... whoops.

I'm still suspicious of you, and TAC is giving me weird vibes with his targeting of Fuji, but, I'm keeping my Vote on Emil for now. I'm going with the flow of the crowd to try and push reactions, and then judge them from there.

Calling everyone who suspects you scum doesn't sit well with me.
not a good look in retrospect either. this is more than once they've shaded flipped town with no real basis. goes by instinctual feelings.
Fair point. I didn't like the reasoning Crown was suspecting others, I thought they were just throwing ideas out. My most was just bad, though. That's why I moved on from Crown pretty quickly, I realized there wasn't much basis for it. That's also why I haven't really suspected Crown since, I haven't seen them target anyone after that.

It was me making a bad play. Since then I've stuck with trying to follow Town reads.
i empathize with the plight of being unable to construct well crafted arguments defending myself aswell but the thing is as town your duty is to engage, regardless of the inability to defend yourself. it isn't just about defending and acknowledging shitty reads of yours. it's honoring people you find town
I'm being suspected because I'm bad.

TAC has been getting called out a lot.

Otherwise no real consensus, just a lot of bickering.
another appeal to being bad. it can only carry you so far
Felt like shit most of today, have been catching up.

I have never seen a greater description of how I feel when I play Mafia: "He just exists." I am so reactionary, because whenever I try to be proactive, it explodes in my face.
(i hope you feel less shitty!)

acknowledgement of wear arguments. so what if it blows up in your face? you have to atleast try
Dr. Watson

Red Night

I'm pretty sure Naomi it town, and Red Night has been weird as hell.
easy reads.
I am like 50% aware of what's going on now. This game having a few more mechanics/chaos really has had me confused. At times I just DON'T have reads. I really though TAC could be scum, and he was Ace, sooooooooooo

Also I've come to realize I am just horrible at defending myself in general, I'm so fucking passive.

The problem is I read why people think I'm Scum and then nod and go "fuck, they're right, I'm playing like shit". So I don't know how to freaking respond LOL. I should have claimed Town earlier.
here's the thing. you claim being utterly confused but some of these posts show, atleast to me, you're watching the thread. the issue is you've failed to engage and elaborate on your scum reads.

if you don't see what i am doing, i am giving you an opening to engage here and truly defend yourself. don't back down regardless of how poor your arguments might be. fight if you're truly town.
anyhow, i know aries said mafia has to kill mafia and all but tbh i can't see them doing that since they'll probably end up merged anyway


so, is Cal town or is he culted?
i received a result on cal and he came back as town btw. didn't think it was particularly useful info given he was confirmed before i had the chance to share the results. basically a wasted shot.

watch the shade on ratchet.
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