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DAY 3, VC 1
up to post #6,848


Blue - 9
CoC - 4
Orwellian - 1
MangoSenpai - 1


RippedCal: CoC
Mr. Reloaded: CoC > Random Asshole > Unvote > Orwellian > Blue
Fuji V2 (Luka): (Random Asshole) > (CoC) > Red Night > Blue
Dr. Watson: CoC > Unvote > CoC
CoC: Worst > Random Asshole > Blue
The Orca: Red Night > CoC > Blue
Random Asshole: CoC > Blue
Worst: CoC
Lord Melkor: CoC
Flower: Red Night > Blue
Charlie: CoC > Orwellian
Kiku: Luka (Fuji V2) > CoC > Blue
Alwaysmind: MangoSenpai
Crowned WItch: Blue
Naomi: Blue


Vote Lynch Random Asshole
Vote lynch Color of Clowns
Vote Lynch Red Night.
Vote Lynch CoC. Color of Clowns
vote lynch Luka
Vote Lynch Red Night
Vote lynch MangoSempai.
Vote lynch (Doomsday) Mashiro Blue
Vote Lynch Mashiro Blue
Vote Lynch Blue.
Vote Lynch Orwellian


Flower at some point voted as Flower 1 and Flower 2. I counted only Flower 2.​
Day-3: Water 7 Saga Pirate Assists

1: Blue Station
2: Dam 1
3: Franky House
4: Going Merry
5: Galley la Company
6: Bluenos Bar
7: Day Station
8: Main Island Gate
9: Courtyard
10: Court Gate
11: Tower of Justice

Pirate assists
1: Nico Olivia (Poneglyphs Study) Target any ??? Write up and find out the actions or targets

2: Foxy (Slow Slow Fruit) Target any player and delay their actions until next cycle

3: Tom (Sea Train) Target 2 players and Busdrive their next actions onto one another

4: Afro Luffy (Boxing Fight) If you lose at r/p/s win your next r/p/s match

5: Porche (Knockout Gas) Vote/role block a player for the dayphase

6: Shakuyaku (Newspaper Reading) Target any player and watch who they target during the phase
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