
which one of these jobbers you a fan of?
LOL that's the Canadian soccer league bro. That's like Serie B for you for example, it's a semi professional league. The Canadian Premier League is the main one, it has 8 teams. Atletico Ottawa is my team, but no one really cares here lol
I was gonna correct you and say it's not a powerscaling forum but most of the threads and posts are about agendas so..
It's a powerscaling forum bro lol


LOL that's the Canadian soccer league bro. That's like Serie B for you for example, it's a semi professional league. The Canadian Premier League is the main one, it has 8 teams. Atletico Ottawa is my team, but no one really cares here lol

It's a powerscaling forum bro lol
they have an ugly ass jersey :willight: