
teenagers starting to fuck =/= thats the age for their sexual maturity. puberty is a process, so the start of puberty also =/= sexual maturity.

sexual maturity also has a psychological aspect to it (this is even true for animals that we breed. . .)

i dont know what paper exactly you are talking about though
I'm not the one who brought paper to it. And I agree that sexual maturity also has a psychological aspect that's why a fucking law can't decide when someone is ready or not. The person itself will. Dude I'm ready to fuck since I was at least 7 years old and had my first erotic dream. Studies says boys with 3 years old can already identify a good looking woman by a split second analizying her features (facial, bust, hips...).

yeah there are other names for those people, but pedophile is used as an umbrella term for all of those alot by peeps

Thank you!
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You think these pedo jokes are funny? Are you a retard or a straight up a motherfucker?
I'm not doing any jokes and the only retardad motherfucker here is you
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You're not ready for this debate he says.

You're a massive retard bro, thank God you're a social reject and a wanna be debate bro with 0 rizz. Not even a minor would be dumb enough to associate themselves with you. Hope you get jumped you illiterate pedo.
I'm no pedo and again you are no ready for this debate. Grow up and educate yourself.
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I don’t know what the culture is like in Brazil

but if I were to guess, any adult dating a 14 year old would probably be considered a shameless degenerate, regardless of whether or not it’s legal.
A lot of families were build in a relationship of a 14 yeard old girl and an adult man (18+). Yes some don't like it but that is not of their business. Who are anyone to say that a happy familly that started like that is wrong?

Yall have no idea of how the world works.
I'm not the one who brought paper to it. And I agree that sexual maturity also has a psychological aspect that's why a fucking law can't decide when someone is ready or not. The person itself will. Dude I'm ready to fuck since I was at least 7 years old and had my first erotic dream. Studies says boys with 3 years old can already identify a good looking woman by a split second analizying her features (facial, bust, hips...).


Thank you!
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I'm not doing any jokes and the only retardad motherfucker here is you
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I'm no pedo and again you are no ready for this debate. Grow up and educate yourself.
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A lot of families were build in a relationship of a 14 yeard old girl and an adult man (18+). Yes some don't like it but that is not of their business. Who are anyone to say that a happy familly that started like that is wrong?

Yall have no idea of how the world works.
Imagine defending that 13 year olds can have sex relations with adults and asking to be respected. This why people call you dumb.
Yes they can and this happens and some families are happy build like this. I don't minda shit being calling dumb by ignorant people.
Just because it happens doesn’t mean it’s a good thing

if a girl gets married at 13, she basically loses her childhood
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I'm not the one who brought paper to it. And I agree that sexual maturity also has a psychological aspect that's why a fucking law can't decide when someone is ready or not. The person itself will. Dude I'm ready to fuck since I was at least 7 years old and had my first erotic dream. Studies says boys with 3 years old can already identify a good looking woman by a split second analizying her features (facial, bust, hips...).
this is literally a pedophile talking point


Just because it happens doesn’t mean it’s a good thing

if a girl gets married at 13, she basically loses her childhood
No dude. She has 13 years of childhood. And again I'm not talking about forced marriage like old ages but the girls decision. Why you think you know better how other people should live their life?

this is literally a pedophile talking point
No is not and you are not ready for debate.
Imagine calling people ignorant cuz you want to fuck 13 year olds. Man this mf needs to get jumped by his neighbors. If I were a father I wouldn't want him in my neighborhood.
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My sister in law just turned 16 and she is by all accounts still a child mentally. She hasn't finished developing, but I guess it's ok because this creepozoid incel likes them young.
Why you think you know better how other people should live their life?
Because children don’t have the mental faculties necessary to form healthy marriages.

Least of all not with grown ass men who are often significantly older than them.
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Barring close age exceptions there is no scenario where an adult/child marriage isn’t inherently exploitative
Because children don’t have the mental faculties necessary to form healthy marriages.

Least of all not with grown ass men who are often significantly older than them.
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Barring close age exceptions there is no scenario where an adult/child marriage isn’t inherently exploitative
and we all thought boby was bad...
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Yes they can and this happens and some families are happy build like this. I don't minda shit being calling dumb by ignorant people.
did you have any relations with 13 year olds?
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Just because it happens doesn’t mean it’s a good thing

if a girl gets married at 13, she basically loses her childhood
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this is literally a pedophile talking point
Imagine kids taking care of other kids...what a family...
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My sister in law just turned 16 and she is by all accounts still a child mentally. She hasn't finished developing, but I guess it's ok because this creepozoid incel likes them young.
I don’t agree with Herrera but this isn’t saying anything. Historically marrying at around 16 was well within the norm in all cultures (the numerical data points to even younger ages in some cases). Either way the difference between 16 year olds 100 years ago and 16 year olds today is in their mental capacity and responsibility. Putting the legality aspect aside, it wouldn't really register to have these kids who spend all their time on TikTok frying their attention span in a relationship with someone who’s already way ahead in their life, even if that man is only 4 years their senior. But the very concept of a relationship and what it entails is already massively skewed with feminism so if you adopt that it makes even less sense. Otherwise physiological make up is pretty much the same. Hence why in most non-Western cultures today you’ll see women in their late teens already having a family or in the process of starting one. The girls/boys in the west are behind for a number of reasons. This is beyond the scope of a weeb forum tho, you gotta read up on some data and familiarize yourself with cultural norms/historical norms outside of your own locale to understand.
Certain topics couldn’t expose more who’s already fine tuned to the programming and who’s capable of independent thought. But I digress. 13-14 year olds around these parts are pretty much still kids, most of them gotta be woken up to go to school.
Certain topics couldn’t expose more who’s already fine tuned to the programming and who’s capable of independent thought. But I digress. 13-14 year olds around these parts are pretty much still kids, most of them gotta be woken up to go to school.
Yes nothing's better than taking 14 year old kids out of school to marry them off to your best buddy's equally young kid.
I don’t agree with Herrera but this isn’t saying anything. Historically marrying at around 16 was well within the norm in all cultures (the numerical data points to even younger ages in some cases). Either way the difference between 16 year olds 100 years ago and 16 year olds today is in their mental capacity and responsibility. Putting the legality aspect aside, it wouldn't really register to have these kids who spend all their time on TikTok frying their attention span in a relationship with someone who’s already way ahead in their life, even if that man is only 4 years their senior. But the very concept of a relationship and what it entails is already massively skewed with feminism so if you adopt that it makes even less sense. Otherwise physiological make up is pretty much the same. Hence why in most non-Western cultures today you’ll see women in their late teens already having a family or in the process of starting one. The girls/boys in the west are behind for a number of reasons. This is beyond the scope of a weeb forum tho, you gotta read up on some data and familiarize yourself with cultural norms/historical norms outside of your own locale to understand.
I don’t think child marriage was ever a good thing

There’s a reason why it disproportionately happens in developing countries. Kids who marry and have kids never get an education. They can never live better lives than doing shitty jobs and taking care of kids.

One of my friends had a baby at 15. She needs to work 2 jobs to make ends meet. She made things work and she and her daughter seem to have good lives. But I cannot see why anyone thinks that something like this is somehow a good thing for society.

People like this basically lose their childhoods and are forced to grow up.
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Link to those studies where?
I wouldn’t be surprised if this was true, as one’s conception of beauty is largely defined by society and culture.

But going from this to “kids can consent to sex with adults” is a big wtf
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I don’t agree with Herrera but this isn’t saying anything. Historically marrying at around 16 was well within the norm in all cultures (the numerical data points to even younger ages in some cases). Either way the difference between 16 year olds 100 years ago and 16 year olds today is in their mental capacity and responsibility. Putting the legality aspect aside, it wouldn't really register to have these kids who spend all their time on TikTok frying their attention span in a relationship with someone who’s already way ahead in their life, even if that man is only 4 years their senior. But the very concept of a relationship and what it entails is already massively skewed with feminism so if you adopt that it makes even less sense. Otherwise physiological make up is pretty much the same. Hence why in most non-Western cultures today you’ll see women in their late teens already having a family or in the process of starting one. The girls/boys in the west are behind for a number of reasons. This is beyond the scope of a weeb forum tho, you gotta read up on some data and familiarize yourself with cultural norms/historical norms outside of your own locale to understand.
I love when concern trolls such as yourself decide to make a grandstand and low key engage in good old fence sitting just to feel like they are well educated or whatever. I am well aware of what you’re saying man, everybody is. My great grand parents were cousins ffs. Just because we just recently started prohibiting such practices does it mean we can justify these behaviors are something “natural.”16 year olds are not ready for marriage, let alone to engage in any sexual activities with someone like me (28)

My point is, this is 2024, with the info we have now it is completely inexcusable to try to engage in sexual activities with minors. If you want to justify it cause some non western countries are still accepting of it then I can’t in good faith agree with you. That shit is not right. I don’t care if you hate feminism or the left or western values. If you are a full grown man who’s trying to fuck teenagers, then you belong in jail.