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Sure, Ichiji was just "resting" his eyes...

You're expecting a cover story to show more details - and dialogues - than a single panel? How about the fact that the Germa was bodied at the next panel and needed to be rescued by Caesar?

This is basically Queen's fate.
Sure, he can tank a lot but eventually, he will be put down because aside of his durability, his offensive abilities are completely useless. Lasers cannot hit Kuri anyway. Germa abilities? Kuri can also easily handle them.
I’m not saying Ichiji didn’t get hurt, but acting like it was a low diff when Ichiji was up in one chapter is a bit excessive.

And I would’ve expected not to have Oda involve Oven if Kata was supposed to be massively superior, that’s kinda the big deal is that Oda knowing this fight was supposed to end with Caesar, shouldve just let Kata fight solo, or not involve him at all and swap Kata and Crackers role in the cover story. And don’t forget the WCI portion of the cover story ended with the Germa fully healed in a few minutes due to their healing factor. I would’ve expected Oda to have had at least 1-2 unconscious being carried to safety if Oda wanted to make kata look impressive. And if that’s asking too much, my bad I don’t think letting kata knock out one is too much.
Mars attack an elbaf ship?
Please for god sake at least I hope is a beam attack and we can see if he fires it from the eyes, mouth...

Everyone is slandering Ju Peter but at least Ju Peter has been in action from the start, the is the first time Mars is actually "fighting".

Foul Legacy

Anyone wanking King and Queen above Katakuri are trolls or salty

Katakuri is Luffy's benchmark
If any yc was better, Katakuri wouldn't be Luffy's benchmark pre top tier fights
Luffy Fights Kata - gets one shotted by Kaidou.
Zoro Fights King - lmao even pre king fight zori better than luffy.

" pre top tier benchmark "

That's BM's problem, King was there to fight and they couldn't even defend their ship.
Replace King with Nusjuro and there wouldn't be any ship left to defend.
Yeah, she's being goofy and clumsy. It ain't that much of an achievement when Franky, Robin, Jimbei, Brook, Kidd, Killer and Law occasionally dunked on her like that.

It proves my point - if Nusjuro attacked, they would have a lot more problems. He's a top tier swordsman.
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