Controversial Is dating really as hard as some people say it is?

Pick up artists? Ain't those just guys who tell you to make corny "pick up lines" and shit?
It's weird but ngl some of them are hilarious. I even think of some my self just to crack my self up sometimes.
Would never use them irl though.
Basically, it's the guys who will learn hundreds of sentences for a given purpose

Whatever you do, do it naturally, if you approach a woman and you make a joke to her, it should be natural and it should be you, it has to be genuine and authentic

Basically, it's the guys who will learn hundreds of sentences for a given purpose

Whatever you do, do it naturally, if you approach a woman and you make a joke to her, it should be natural and it should be you, it has to be genuine and authentic

Oh yeah, I've heard of these people before.
They're disgusting creeps who clearly have a lot of mental issues, but act as if they're perfect (and some genuinely believe it).
I hate those types of people the most.
Basically, it's the guys who will learn hundreds of sentences for a given purpose

Whatever you do, do it naturally, if you approach a woman and you make a joke to her, it should be natural and it should be you, it has to be genuine and authentic

I read a book about these people once

It seems as if their entire strategy is something of a cult.

Where you have these big pick up artist leaders. And you have a bunch of insecure men who try and copy the personalities of these pick up leaders in order to try to be more appealing to women.

Like for example. There was this magician who went by the name "Mystery".
He used little gimmicky magic tricks to impress women. Usually if you have something that you are really passionate about, like magic for example, you can engage others and appear interesting by talking about said thing.

However because these PUAs somehow came under the misconception that women just like magic tricks, because that one magician was able to get laid by doing them.
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Also I think there is probably some grain of truth in their manipulation tactics.

I think all form of social interaction involves some subtle level of manipulation. Ex. I am nice to my friends because I want them to like me.

But the issue with PUAs is that their obsession with manipulating others goes beyond simple social skills and into psychopath territory.
Oh yeah, I've heard of these people before.
They're disgusting creeps who clearly have a lot of mental issues, but act as if they're perfect (and some genuinely believe it).
I hate those types of people the most.
I read a book about these people once

It seems as if their entire strategy is something of a cult.

Where you have these big pick up artist leaders. And you have a bunch of insecure men who try and copy the personalities of these pick up leaders in order to try to be more appealing to women.

Like for example. There was this magician who went by the name "Mystery".
He used little gimmicky magic tricks to impress women. Usually if you have something that you are really passionate about, like magic for example, you can engage others and appear interesting by talking about said thing.

However because these PUAs somehow came under the misconception that women just like magic tricks, because that one magician was able to get laid by doing them.
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Also I think there is probably some grain of truth in their manipulation tactics.

I think all form of social interaction involves some subtle level of manipulation. Ex. I am nice to my friends because I want them to like me.

But the issue with PUAs is that their obsession with manipulating others goes beyond simple social skills and into psychopath territory.
They are psychopaths, they don't care about the woman but only about their goal of getting laid, it's manipulation

An example:
They are psychopaths, they don't care about the woman but only about their goal of getting laid, it's manipulation

An example:
That guy is really fucked up

The book I read, called “The Game” was about this guy(the author) who decided to become Mystery’s follower and document the life of a PUA.

From what I remember, he had a lot of mental problems and basically used sex as a way to cope with his issues. Eventually this one girl he was with left him and it made him suicidal so I think he needed to go to a mental hospital or something.
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You can definitely learn how to manipulate people. To some degree that’s a very powerful ability to have. As it’s what all really powerful businessmen and politicians are able to do.

But the issue is if you treat people like objects in your game, you’re never going to have healthy relationships with them.
About dating. Here is a good video about Ted Mosby (from How I met your mother) and the fact that he should NOT be taken as an example to find a happy relationship



(☝◞‸◟)☞ 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚙
yes cause im ugly but also no if u aren't a piece of shit and even if u are, people will put of with a lot of bs for no reason


If it was that easy, everyone would be able to do it and there would be no problems/concerns at all.

Here we are though.

There's something missing in the equation when it seems to affect a significant percentage of the population.

If it ever becomes a widespread societal issue, solutions tailored to each individual won't be able to solve it, but rather a solution that causes widespread changes that affects the group in a net positive has a better chance of doing so.
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Well, I'm going to share my experience regarding love from the point of view of someone very inexperienced.
Right now I'm 19, I lived in Spain since I was 1yo until I was 14-15yo There's no point going in depth around that age so let's just skip a few years.

When I was 15 I moved to my natal country. I was pretty busy with the final exams, adapting to a new country and situation, college applications, deciding my future and so on. Despite that, I had a pretty long lasting relationship that was, sadly, distance based (she lived in Spain). Needless to say that my last months with her where complete torture for me. Felt very very bad but I survived somehow.

Flashforward to when I was 17. Recently joined college and a few girls here and there picked my interest. I'm a sucker for love (I suffer a lot from it AND I tend to get my hopes up relatively fast which is, obviously, hella fucking bad). Anyways, during my first year of college around 4 girls picked my interest and after building some individual courage for each girl I asked them out (it was 1 girl picking my interest at a time). All of them said that there was either someone special already or that they had someone already....

After 4 strikes I gave up for a bit. A girl or two picked my interest during year 18 but nothing serious, I didn't ask them out at all.

Past-Present time; now I'm also working and a friend from work picked my interest a while ago. A few folks said that she might be into me and thus, my hopes went 📈. After talking a bit I reached the conclusion that she was in fact not into me so back to being depressed for a bit. I didn't even get to ask her out I just felt off.

Present-present time. There's another girl at work that's slowly picking my interest and she's making hella sexual jokes with me and I mean a hella lot of jokes. However, I believe that those are mostly jokes... and nothing serious at all so yeah. Now I'm kinda scared to catch feelings or anything like that even tho she's only joking because I know damn well that it'll hurt like hell again.

Did I answer to the question from the thread? Probably not. Do I feel better after saying allat? A little bit yup.
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I’ve seen a lot of people talk about how dating is so hard nowadays, but idk. I can’t help but wonder if that’s more to do with the person than society as a whole.

I think if you want to get married, that can’t be that difficult. You just find someone who is good enough and you make it work. My family is from india and most of these people had arranged marriages. That’s how I presume their relationships went down.

I think people who are struggling with dating probably aren’t thinking about it in these terms. I think a lot of people, myself included, have gotten too caught up in thinking of relationships as more than what they are: a means to an end.

I want to start a family with someone to carry on my ancestors’ genetic line. I only have so much time to do it(even as a man). Hence you can only kick the bucket down the road for so long, and eventually you just need to buckle down and make something work to accomplish your goals. Even if the person you choose doesn’t match all your fantasies, or isn’t everything you wanted in a partner.
It's difficult because contraception exists and women don't wish to settle with an average man. Also premarital relations are normalized in the West with partying and whatnot. Humanity Is going the route of the Mouse Utopia Experiment, especially the gay gangs of Calhouns Universe 25. Down to a tee. Hedonism and endless pleasure replacing the family structure.
I said my family is from India

I’ve lived my entire life in Texas.

Also I don’t hate india or Hindus, nor have I ever said anything of the sort.
Goated Desi ppl
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Might have criticized india in the politics thread. But I criticize a lot of countries there lmao.

I did leave Hinduism, but I was never really that attached to it growing up. Still, I really like hindu literature.
I find a lot of liberalism has spread to India already