1119: The Apprentice
- Bonney's transformation is purely cosmetic, she has none of Luffy's powers
- Luffy laughs with Bonney while they destroy the marines around them, he ask her to join his crew
- We see Kuma responding to this question with a smile
- Bonney turns back to her normal kid form and blushes, saying this is her real form and she's just a kid
- Luffy says that's obvious and says she can be an apprentice on their crew, Nami will take care for her
- Sanji comes dancing around saying she can be his apprentice aswell and he will teach her how to cook, we see him imaging an older Bonney being gratefull for helping her grown up and giving him a kiss
- Meanwhile the Sunny uses Coup de Burst and flies down, Robin catches it with giant hands and puts it down on the Giant's ship
- 4 of the Gorosei surround the ship
- Chapter ends with Bonney accepting Luffy's offer and Luffy saying he will now kick all their asses (talking to the Gorosei)