Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1119 Spoilers Discussion

Hakai vs (Nika×Cyborg)

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I liked it at first but now it's kind of getting annoying, unfortunately Oda won't stop with those eye gags.
I really like G5, in my opinion is not a mistake and somehow funny. However I feel Oda should find a way to not use these running gags manytimes.

Some seriously/some fun gags would be good, him overusing it, doesn't help the people who already hate the form.

And to be honest the gags are used so manytimes now in egghead, it indeed ruin the mood, I liked it more with Kaido vs Luffy, yes you had fun gags to in the fight, but you also had serious Luffy fighting Kaido.

As long as he not overuse the fun gags im totally fine with G5.
The momentum wont help the punch dumbass
That s like saying orlumbus throw helped zoro cut pica s body bcs of momentum
Lucci is asking where he gets so much force even tho he just saw him using the pipe as rope
Zoro cut Pica with air slashes, not the same.

It's a combination of Luffy's toon force turning Lucci's body to rubber and Luffy bouncing off the pipe at high speed that generated so much force, Lucci has no idea how G5 works, he isn't like us who gets told things from the narrator, what Lucci says frankly means nothing.
Zoro cut Pica with air slashes, not the same.

It's a combination of Luffy's toon force turning Lucci's body to rubber and Luffy bouncing off the pipe at high speed that generated so much force, Lucci has no idea how G5 works, he isn't like us who gets told things from the narrator, what Lucci says frankly means nothing.
So lucci sees him using the rope and still ask about where he gains that much force:few:?
What happened? I don't wanna read full spoilers but someone spoiled something about Sanji in a battle thread.
Sanji used IJ hell memories along with two other attacks, on Luffy's balloon body, to increase force to send Mars flying.

It only hurt Luffy a little.

G5 has high resistance to blunt force attacks even with haki, so physical force not doing much to him can be chalked up to that.
But Luffy didn't mention anything about heat, and has no special resistance to heat.

In contrast, Kaido's magma-esque flames were hot for him even with haki, and he would've melted if not for advanced haki


Sanji used IJ hell memories along with two other attacks, on Luffy's balloon body, to increase force to send Mars flying.

It only hurt Luffy a little.

G5 has high resistance to blunt force attacks even with haki, so physical force not doing much to him can be chalked up to that.
But Luffy didn't mention anything about heat, and has no special resistance to heat.

In contrast, Kaido's magma-esque flames were hot for him even with haki, and he would've melted if not for advanced haki
haki nullifies his resistance though
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