General & Others This chapter is a checkmate for Sanji fanboys, Zolo the one who can damage Luffy

Hes tanking anything that is blunt & elemental
That fight proves any slash/cutting based attacks can hurt Nika
Something that Kaido lacks besides demolition Gust

So kaido lose to nika via Skill issue
Kizaru's lasers were thought to be unstoppable, meanwhile G5 Luffy ate them, and shot them out his nose.

Right now Luffy is still new to G5 and getting accustomed to what he can do, but once he truly realizes the power he possesses, it's going to be gg. Whatever Luffy wants becomes reality. If he doesn't want to get slashed by Swords.... Guess what.....
this is him saying his captain must b stronger or else he’d take over as captain
zoro would’ve been approached luffy if he felt he was weaker then him
Bro zoro fans will never acknowledge this panel no matter what.

That cover page including the number 2 of top pirate crews, zori fans are divided themselves whether that is power based or hierarchy based.
Luffy must have changed his mind and offered Zoro the captain position but Zoro declined because he doesn't care about playing pirates.
First of all their meetup is very similar to rayleigh meeting Roger, as rayleigh was egoistic initially but later on submitted himself to Roger. Zoro wont accept anyone weaker than him as a captain.
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that’s true the cover page and how zoro told lucci abt how he isn’t even strong enough to face his captain is clear signs zoro knows luffy is way stronger
That sfatement was proof that zoro deemed luffy on higher pedestal than himself.
But zori fans wont accept the words spoken from zoro himself.
First of all their meetup is very similar to rayleigh meeting Roger, as rayleigh was egoistic initially but later on submitted himself to Roger. Zoro wont accept anyone weaker than him as a captain.
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That sfatement was proof that zoro deemed luffy on higher pedestal than himself.
But zori fans wont accept the words spoken from zoro himself.
Things that never happened, Luffy blackmailed Zoro into forming a crew with him, Zoro's code of honor is the only reason why he's still part of this clown show.
" I have more will power than you "
Will power = Haki.
If you accept that , I'll gladly accept whatever you're saying lmao.
"I dont think i could last one week without food".
Zoro wins on this one.

Now accept zoro putting luffy on a higher pedestal than him and deeming his captain luffy strong that he should not be bothered by the likes of lucci.
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