Chapter Discussion So much for Ifrit Jambe 💀

You may scoff at the fact that Oda didn't give enough spotlight to Sanji's final attack, but there's nothing that changes IJ's power here.

It could be Kaido's strongest attack, or Garp's strongest attack, or any top tier that uses sudden attacks, none of them are doing much for Nika's tank ballon form, which is a defense that repels physical attacks.
But Sanji fans claimed IJ is Dura Neg bfore
And the Oda prove that it aint
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We are talking about pure blunt force?
In that case, they are still going to damage tankman balloon Luffy.
Just that Luffy would end up tanking still.
We saw Kaido damaging G5 Luffy with blunt attacks, just that he needed to pull out his stronger attacks (initial named attacks were treated as a joke by Luffy).
And Garp will have insane haki, arguably the biggest haki in the modern gen (he was matching swordsman Roger with supreme grade blade, with just his fists). He probably has internal destruction haki too

What do you mean they were not meant for burning opponent?
They burned Jyabura, Wadatsumi, Queen.
Sanji literally says IJ is so hot, that it's made possible only due to exeskeleton + improvement in armament haki
Nika have Highest lvl resistance to Blunt but still get dmg by higher end blunt with Conquerors haki

Nika also have Higher resistance vs elemental attacks but he also needed Conqueror/Armament coating to survive Kaido's Magma Dragon

Nika have low lvl resistance vs Cutting/Slash attacks which is why Mid tier attacks like Demolition Gust can hurt him
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It is another poor choice of Oda that is detrimental to Sanji’s characterization.

The same thing happen in FMI when Oda made him said that Hell Memories was is ultimate attack… in a pervert gag.

« Hell Memories : Ifrit Jambe » should have been revealed in an epic double spread against Sanji next 1v1 fight. Not like this.

I don’t know why Oda is making thoise kind of choice. It flabbergasting me.
The worst part is that it will not change because some Sanji fans will defend those kind of choice with every fibers of their being, so it is what it is, I guess.
It is another poor choice of Oda that is detrimental to Sanji’s characterization.

The same thing happen in FMI when Oda made him said that Hell Memories was is ultimate attack… in a pervert gag.

« Hell Memories : Ifrit Jambe » should have been revealed in an epic double spread against Sanji next 1v1 fight. Not like this.

I don’t know why Oda is making thoise kind of choice. It flabbergasting me.
The worst part is that it will not change because some Sanji fans will defend those kind of choice with every fibers of their being, so it is what it is, I guess.
Oda is writing completely freestyle.
Nothing makes sense anymore.

Gorosei went from concerned necessary evil leaders, who didn't even like Imu nuking an entire island, to evil beings who view humans as mere insects. In the same arc btw.
It is another poor choice of Oda that is detrimental to Sanji’s characterization.

The same thing happen in FMI when Oda made him said that Hell Memories was is ultimate attack… in a pervert gag.

« Hell Memories : Ifrit Jambe » should have been revealed in an epic double spread against Sanji next 1v1 fight. Not like this.

I don’t know why Oda is making thoise kind of choice. It flabbergasting me.
The worst part is that it will not change because some Sanji fans will defend those kind of choice with every fibers of their being, so it is what it is, I guess.
Ls memories is weaker than Onigiri, I've been saying this for years.
Jinbo and Lanji had to combo attack Wadatsumi while Zoro oneshotted someone stronger with Onigiri.
That's just a cheap excuse from y'all. He should perform better fighting wise and that's a fact. What's the point of the story being the focus if he's dumb ass keeps allowing people to get hurt/get killed. Or is that also part of the story?
There is no story and oda doesn't care... He just wants to avoid ruining whatever scales he has made for characters he wants to focus on...
The shitty AP of IJ in my headcannon is due to Sanji remembering the last time he had to hit Luffy, it might had been unconsciously, but it kinda solidifies by the words he told Bonney before hitting Luffy.

"Captain's orders are absolute Bonney-chan"

Also it's been stated that Sanji's flames are related to his feelings and I would assume that if he had to hit Mars directly he wouldn't had felt any kind of empathy so it would hit harder. Anyway probably Bonney new Nika form has stronger AP than Sanji, and if Franky really learned haki might mean that the rest of the SH will get it sooner or later, which fits with OP ending.

Last but not least is Sanji assuming that Bonney will join the SH?
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The thing is that Kaido's Boro Breath is a named attack, which indicates it being a signature attack. Mars' laser blast is a nameless, casual attack that could have a more powerful variant, though that remains to be known.
I am just having some fun bro. I am well aware gorosei like Mars can be above Kaido.
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Not before we saw what the Gorosei can do, contrary to desperate Yonko fans
Warcury > Kaido is a legit take anyway, Warcury is a worse fighter but Kaido’s durability is his redeeming factor since he takes in a shit ton of attacks, even you were open to such conclusion
Are you sure about that? I am pretty sure even before Gorosei showed their strength, Lee was on gorosei > yonko agenda.
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We saw Kaido damaging G5 Luffy with blunt attacks, just that he needed to pull out his stronger attacks (initial named attacks were treated as a joke by Luffy).
Kaido was damaging Nika Luffy, not giant tankman mode Nika Luffy, there is a gulf of difference.
There is no indication that Kaido would be able to seriously damage that form of defense if he doesn't use that lava dragon finishing attack.

What do you mean they were not meant for burning opponent?
They burned Jyabura, Wadatsumi, Queen.
Sanji literally says IJ is so hot, that it's made possible only due to exeskeleton + improvement in armament haki[
Jabura was the only time an opponent was complaining about burns, after that, the narrative context of diable jambe was never about burning opponents, the flames on Sanji's leg was always used as an illustration of how powerful the attack was being.

Likewise, as the narrative context for Zoro's attacks, Zoro is never cutting his opponent in two, even if he cuts a giant golem in two, he cuts a dragon's head, he cuts the Kraken's tentacles into several pieces. , but he can never cut his opponents in two, there is no logical explanation for this, but that is how it is written narratively, the way Oda finds it appropriate to do with his writing.

Sanji's attacks have always been about kicking harder, the hotter the attacks, the stronger his kicks will be, for example:
If a kick from
Base Sanji is 60 shades of strength
So a kick from the diable jambe is 100 tons of force
So an Ifrit kick is 200 tons of force