Chapter Discussion So much for Ifrit Jambe 💀

With this, more people should realize that Sanji ('s character) is for the story (first), not for the battle/fighting.
I’m starting to realize that, this doesn’t mean he’s a bad character in any sense but his role in the story is not to do battle. Probably the SHs won’t be relevant to fights moving forward except for Luffy and Zoro and maybe Jinbei. Sanji gets pushed to number 5 with Bonney joining
Nika have Highest lvl resistance to Blunt but still get dmg by higher end blunt with Conquerors haki

Nika also have Higher resistance vs elemental attacks but he also needed Conqueror/Armament coating to survive Kaido's Magma Dragon

Nika have low lvl resistance vs Cutting/Slash attacks which is why Mid tier attacks like Demolition Gust can hurt him
First one is on point.

On 2nd point, he doesn't have any special resistance to elemental attacks (aside from lightning) when not defending. However, he can use his toon force nonsense to reflect or absorb low-mid level elemental attacks

On 3rd point, kinda right. He doesn't have "low resistance". He is basically like every other human to cutting attacks, in that he has no special resistance against cutting attacks
I’m starting to realize that, this doesn’t mean he’s a bad character in any sense but his role in the story is not to do battle. Probably the SHs won’t be relevant to fights moving forward except for Luffy and Zoro and maybe Jinbei. Sanji gets pushed to number 5 with Bonney joining
You mean Yamato.

Yeah. It became more obvious when he is the only one who have side tasks, as early as Alabasta. This acts as a compensation for being weaker than Zoro.
To be honest I’m starting to see the vision that moving forward only Luffy and Zoro will be relevant in terms of fights as both have ACoC
This is true, and evidenced with Sanji's setups for the endgame to revolve about story (for example Pudding) rather than fighting (e.g. Zoro's WSS & Luffy's PK).

He always doesn't need & have to be strong, just as strong as the plot requires him to be.
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And people really think he is Yc1 or Admiral hahahahha.
The problem gets even worse when haters also put him too high (so when he doesn't fulfill their own expectations they can trash him).

It leds the fandom thinking that his powerlevel so high to be true.
By that logic zoro is weak for zoro and sanji have always been close in strength luffy had the same reaction to kaido hitting him with his ragnarok attack while in his non balloon form which has shown to absorb shock (a real defense move see seengoku and cracker
„Always Close“ Sanji gets bite diffed while zoro has an even clash with nusjuro. There you see the abyss of the difference in strength and competence. Delete your account.

Sanji would have gotten embarrased by lucci thats why zoro fought him.
This is true, and evidenced with Sanji's setups for the endgame to revolve about story (for example Pudding) rather than fighting (e.g. Zoro's WSS & Luffy's PK).

He always doesn't need & have to be strong, just as strong as the plot requires him to be.
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The problem gets even worse when haters also put him too high (so when he doesn't fulfill their own expectations they can trash him).

It leds the fandom thinking that his powerlevel so high to be true.

Luffy and Sanji attacks Big Mom at the same time and they casually say Sanji has Gear 3 Ap just because they were pairee together.

Now Sanji uses his best attack with Franky who doesn't have haki... the same logic should apply too. Sanji AP is equal to Franky's right arm lol.

Ifrit HM >= Franky Right Hand >>Gear3=DJ Kick
You may scoff at the fact that Oda didn't give enough spotlight to Sanji's final attack, but there's nothing that changes IJ's power here.

It could be Kaido's strongest attack, or Garp's strongest attack, or any top tier that uses sudden attacks, none of them are doing much for Nika's tank ballon form, which is a defense that repels physical attacks.
:josad: Sanji fans are in a really bad place
Usually, I laugh at Rootbeer's takes but for once, he might not be wrong.

A lot of you mocked Rootbeer here but there is a slight chance it was indeed a mistake.
I mean, it's not the first time Oda made a mistake which got fixed afterwards in the manga book.

I prefer to wait and see until the official release of the manga book on this one.