Questions & Mysteries If Chopper would have a real bounty, how high it'd be?

I think his bounty should be at the very least 650,000,000 berries, makes him higher than all the Strawhats but lower than Robin, Sanji, Jinbe, Zoro and Luffy, or maybe it should be higher? what do you think?
Chopper ain’t mopping anyone’s floor but the Sunny’s.
Or maybe you're right, I'd give him like at least 400,000,000 berries, or 350,000,000 like you said, but Chopper is one of the only 4 Straw hats that has a DF, he has Hito Hito no Mi (Human-Human fruit) which is a Zoan DF, and Zoan DF's awakening is that they can wake up after they get KO'd faster, and he can turn into a giant and be a scary MF'er with his deep and demonic possessed roars like the ones we hear from him Pre TS when he can't control himself.
Chopper could actually have an inflated bounty due to his Monster Point (he even managed to hold his own against Queen in Wano, for example), something like 1 billion. But threat-wise, he's probably on the same tier as Nami (~350 million).